
Good for her. Nothing can ever erase the horror she went through but that book will make sure no one will forget that MFers name or what a spineless coward he is. May his “mistake” follow and haunt is ass into the afterlife. 

For those wishing that I take my Black ass back to Africa I will gladly go back to the motherland on the condition that you find the exact region that my ancestors were stolen from, teach me my native tongue that was taken from my grandparents by penalty of rape, torture and even death if spoken aloud or taught to

Why Trump? You could have gone back to the pilgrims or founding fathers etc etc.

And Gen Z are not just racist in the clueless and unthinking way Gen X and Gen-Millennial often are, Gen Z are actively and consciously racist in the way the Jim Crow Generation were. Gen Z are deliberately being racist as part of a Jim Crow II culture war. Hell, I bet I could find a non negligible number of Zers who

Kill all white people? Nobody is advocating that. However, if someone was to kill Gretchen I’d probably throw a motherfucking party.

To the people who’ve been endlessly covered in blood for five unbroken centuries, any distinction between one group carrying daggers, while another carries long-handle swords is effectively irrelevant.

As I just got through saying to someone else on this site earlier today:

I come in praise of the mighty lion, not to damn him. He was a great African liberator! He took to the bush with his Kalashnikov and warrior spirit to liberate his people/country from the demonic ones, and was successful. He was a member of the ANC before it was cool to be one; he supported the anti apartheid

Uh does anyone have the heart to tell Haley that her generation is just as bad, if not worse, than the ones that came before her? I mean that is some next level delusion if little Ms. Haley really thinks that her generation hasn’t become as close minded and insular thinking as every other one before it. Look no

This super sweet lady straight from the Philippines moved in a couple doors down and I (a white lady in the dc suburbs but without the hair bow) brought her a plate of cookies. I have a friend in the neighborhood who is also Filipina, and she told me a couple days later that our new neighbor had sought her out and

Neither a lender, nor a borrower be. That is the creed of the bootstrappers, except when it comes to guns I guess. You know if I had a gun, and one of my friends wanted to borrow it all of a sudden for some urgent matter, I might just be moved to ask some probing questions about their motives; and also say nope, no,

Never trust a guy who looks like a real life bond villain.

and they showed up at my door with...oatmeal raisin goodies

I feel like these have evolved, though... at least now, it’s paid black facilitators doing emotional labor to educate everyone on their experiences, while white attendees take a frustratingly long time to grasp the basic concepts of racism.

Every time I read about The Wing I feel compelled to point out the semi-relevant fact (bad judgement!) that Audrey Gelman has terrrrrrible taste in bffs and even worse taste in ex-boyfriends. It’s almost a sickness, this compulsion of mine. 

Diversity in marketing is the peanuts racist institutions have successfully reduced the entire racial equality movement down to. Like we used to have social programs and laws that tackled the incredible disparity between white and POC, and they were effectively reducing the gap and improving life conditions for

My coworker and I were talking about this very thing this morning - not the E. Jean Carroll story but the afterward of Trump’s presidency. And how Trump and his toadies and minions and base are all behaving as if the future isn’t a real and inevitable thing.

The part about this very fucking point in time that is making me ill is that when this fat piece of shit expires he will be given a presidential funeral. He will lie in state and people will say nice things and if you dare tell the truth about this odious, disgusting piece of filth his base, The GOP and Fox News will

Now playing

It’s a well-thought out plan that looks as if it has an excellent chance to succeed.

It sounds like a weird choice, but I’ve had granola/muesli with cinnamon and cocoa powder (lay off me, I like what I like!), and while any B&J’s flavor is WAY too sweet in my diabetic opinion, I will be very interested to try this if they make it vegan.