for real!!!! triggered teachers have got to go. get to know your students, stop looking for ways to put them down and imagine them as a CEO or manager or musician or congressperson or full-time best buy employee before you imagine them in a CELL!
for real!!!! triggered teachers have got to go. get to know your students, stop looking for ways to put them down and imagine them as a CEO or manager or musician or congressperson or full-time best buy employee before you imagine them in a CELL!
That’s amazing, that’s a really fantastic deal. The deal where they pay (x/12)% for the number of grade levels you completed seems completely fair.
LOL! Thank you!
This is the kind of stuff that makes a real change. Educational opportunities are almost invaluable. Hopefully the program will encourage struggling kids to stick with school rather than dropping out too.
This will go down as one of the greatest moments in tennis history because it was so unexpected.
Maybe they could reboot “New York: Undercover” as “New York:Down Low”,I ownno.
Making it even worse is the fact that Simone and Tevin weren’t even raised together... they’re connected by blood but they didn’t grow up in the same house with the same values. No idea how close they were or how often they saw each other, but I’d be so mad if one of my cousins murdered three people and people started…
I’ve only realized I’m a trans woman recently (August 6th is my new birthday), so I’m not really studied up on trans issues, but I do know how I feel.
Watch out boo-boo they coming for your money!
Furthermore, connected to her by blood, not by choice!
Alternate headline: “Woman Badgered Into Commenting on the Actions of a Man Connected to Her.”
She too brave for me. In 2019 they told her straight out with receipts they don’t cotton to black people and she drove up there? Not me. This is why we need a new Green Book.
This is this manipulative, performative shock for free shit for her brother and his white chick.
This is this manipulative, performative shock for free shit for her brother and his white chick.
Do you recall when he released the name and address of an elderly couple who was wrongly doxxed for having the name “George Zimmerman”? He’s be on that bullshit for years.
What Black people are so shocked about racist and anti-miscegenation sentimentsin Mississippi that they have to put their shoes on and go see it for themselves with a video camera?!
I’m picturing Kevin laying out the ingredients with REM’s Greatest Hits on in the background, merrily singing “I’ve got my thighs, I’ve got my orange crush”…
By “ruins my life” I assume you mean “fills my evening with joy and uncontrollable giggles”, no?
I made an infused vodka with my strawberry haul last year. I’d do that with these in a heartbeat. Fair warning: It’s a hangover time bomb, as the sweetness is deceptive and encourages pain-inducing fun.
Sad? Yes. But, in my experience, also a handy indicator of personal shittiness. If a guy makes a big deal out of hobbyist “accomplishments”, be it beating extra hard video games or keeping his ancient hipstermobile mostly running, that’s a surefire sign that he’ll be a loser who’ll expect me to do a shitload of…