
Black men will NEVER grow a pair when it comes to confronting white women. But they will raise ALL THE WAY UP on a Black chick at Popeye’s for ‘disrespecting’ their manhood by forgetting the hot sauce.

Thank you for circling back! I always liked your writing’s humor and relatability but also that you cated enough to interact with the commentariat (and were a good sport, at that!). So be well and successful in your future endeavors and I’ll delight in finding you when I do!

Wow, wow, wow! Danielle’s wedding was absolutely beautiful! I’m not usually a fan of weddings but I can guess why this one hit me so deeply: a dark-skinned, full-figured bride being loved upon by a dark-skinned handsome Black man! What a rarity. I’m so pleased Vogue showcased this wedding with their beautiful

This news has got me feeling my mortality because Ms. Guinier and Anita Hill’s characters and careers being assailed came right when I was entering the adult workforce (in the federal government too) bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. I felt the unfairness of what happened to them both deeply and personally but still felt

Memba when I talked about saying my piece and moving on? I have no interest in his shenanigans as he has no value in my eyes. He’s got Dave Chappelle and virtually all of hiphop’s support and the hordes love him so he doesn't need anything from me, even my consideration.

Fresh off the Jan 6th anniversary, where all kinds of police used all manner of de-escalation, including running backward in the midst of ACTUAL violence because they wanted to preserve life, what else do we call police shooting Blacks FIRST then praying there’s no huge protest but...hunting?! This officer on a call

And if ya don’t get no bigga...

No...”a white adult (and a teacher no less) flexes his authority on a Black student about the current MAGAt lightning rod (masks) because whites have a problem with Black male wearing bandannas or covering their faces (ironic considering the KKK). Then when the student doesn’t immediately acquiesce and bow before the

I had fun matching your wit! But consider maybe NOT blurting out your dalliances with white chicks on the Black website to the Black woman, eh? You talked yourself right out of a successful ‘net flirtation!

Oh, that these wannabe Duke Boys will never, EVER waddle quickly to their General Lee pickup trucks and take off like lightnin’ again is a balm to my spirit!

“...he’s proven himself to be a danger to both himself and others, and has demonstrated behaviors that are consistent with those who’ve suffered from the degenerative brain condition, CTE

Reading is fundamental to not reflexively joking about a grown man’s inclination to taunt a 16yo about previously being shot because he didn’t like the bandanna he was wearing:

Wait, what?! Is Phase II of TheRoot’s gentrification: Create a hostile environment for Black people on a Black News Site?

Know this site entertains casual racists whose first thought of how the suspect’s DNA was traced is that it was gathered by a relative’s ARREST as opposed to a relative ancestry search.

Verily, ye who hath braggadociously romped through the blinding snow shalt never toucheth thine corpulent sword to mine ambrosial swarthy sheath.

Oops, sorry for misremembering you, O.G.! I confused you {your Leguizamo Nuyorican avatar} with SigmaPapi [who I picture as Nuyorican] for a bunch of quarantine-brained reasons.

Conceding points AND complimenting would have gotten you everywhere but that blinding snow in your past...

Y’all remember 2019 or early ‘20 when I toldj’all how I had to jump out on a broad for going off on a Black dude over a fender bender, don’tcha? 5'3' white broad with wild big hair screaming “Mutherfucker this” and “Son of a bitch that” feeling bold with her 60+yo potbellied father backing her up cursing and spitting

For me, it was the SUBTLE, sustained cruelty and torture to needle the Black father by sending that car home with the boy every weekend. THAT is some demonic shit she planned (she bought 150 cars IN ADVANCE?!) then carried out for however many weeks WITHOUT FAIL! The quiet, behind-the-back and subtlety is the how the

ATL better build a contingincy plan for Buckhead seceding. And it should include fast laws requiring the completely surrounded Buckhead to build all its own infrastructure with immediate cutoff from all ATL power, water, waste removal, etc. Which millionaire is gonna lose his McMansion under eminent domain for a new