
I gotta think Pence knows he’ll never be President. Who would ever want such a sycophantic, spineless leader who literally wouldn’t say ‘Boo!’ to the very muhfukka who was gonna see him lynched?! I haven’t even heard tell of a single white person who, knowing he had to be spirited to safety by SS and CapPol,

“Gather round, Nightriders and interested hunters. You might have heard about some recent setbacks and failures that might make you rethink joining this here posse. Yes, it looks like the slaves and their sympathizers (the other coloreds) have made some inroads. But your forefathers endured Indian raids and the like

You see who that is, right? And what letting them in brings? White thinking so blindered it can’t conceive of a different viewpoint. Except, it’s not so anodyne or by happenstance because they seek out these online spaces where different perspectives live and squat recalcitrant and unmoving screaming the only way to

Thanx for the insight; I recall you’re a former cop...I’m still confused at this U.S. as World Police Action. And being naive about just how little the world cares about anything involving Haiti.

Mormon and Catholic child molesters?...I’m sure I don’t know half but as a former foster mother with an interest in religion, I keep an eye out for the myriad of child abuse stories about them, in particular! To my mind, the Catholic Church is an earthly demon stronghold populated by male and female monsters! Over

Just heard this quick story and thought you’d enjoy it: (It’s on TheMoth.org under podcasts, Underpinnings and called The Little Pink General Lee by Samuel James) if the link doesn’t work. Be sure to listen to the host’s observations at the end.

You didn’t mean anything by those quotes, right? I was trying to be clear he identified as Haitian as opposed to Dominican. He walked the beach selling excursions and tried to spit game at the only single Black woman there. Once he knew I wasn’t buying either, we just talked. He told me about the Dominican hatred, the

Kroger often has digital coupons for free energy bars so I’ve stockpiled several in my console for emergencies (plus either a gallon or bottles of water caught on sale). I‘ve been on the road during a bad storm where the car’s heater couldn’t keep my feet warm so I feel for those folks. They also could have used the ol

We’ve discussed this before! People in this country will never care about Blacks being tortured or killed nor really care about police reform as long as it’s US crying about it. We have to appeal to people’s pockets! Or focus on the costs of city insurance premiums PER HOUSEHOLD because of the actions of unregulated gu

Ok, believable. But what’s the Haitian monetary or natural resource or strategic value incentive for the U.S. to frame this dude? Notice, I didn’t ask about the motivation for the assassination itself! The U.S. never needs a reason to facilitate the murder of a Black leader or to destabilize a country. But the

I understand your frustration with TheRoot’s coverage of all that’s been going on in Haiti. I wept for all our cousins this summer. They’ve stayed on my mind for many years since 2007 when a Haitian dude in the Dominican Republic told me just a few of their troubles. He spoke about mothers literally mixing red dirt

Texas seditionists and racists have been shooting guns on NYE since forever, just like idiots in every state in the Union. Night riders in overalls, polo shirts and uniforms have been using NYE, Devil’s Night, sports championships and local traditions to joyride settle scores and intimidate people by shooting and d

You new writers need to police these comments and stop ungreying every colonizer that appears!

I don’t know why the media keeps helping this prairie dog-faced wretch in her role as Republican Flava Flav! She’s the hype woman for the old white bullfrogs who don’t have the words to articulate Fight The N_***s but wanna jump around anyway! She has no committee assignments and isn’t doing a damn thing for her

Hold on now, padna! Dan Gilbert is involved. Detroit Gentrifier In Chief. Importer of WHITE High School Grads from Michigan’s Upper Peninsula for downtown Detroit jobs. Free Mortgage Downpayment Organizer for those WHITES. RoboCop OmniCorp President who is virtually single-handedly responsible for shutting out Black

Well, I’m sorry to see you go. Wishing you more glow and success wherever you land! I’m somewhat set in my makeup routines but I get around (reading-wise) so who knows where I’ll happen upon ya!

Y’all STILL don’t hear me (nor this Batch) ‘tho! Right after you zip up, she’ll be in the living room calling your Mama a monkey and being mean to your kid if their hair is too coiled. Ask Halle Berry how her ex was psychologically torturing their kid cuz she ain't as cute as her mama and her hair couldn't pass.

Ok, good to know somebody who got better! Don’t forget the warm mist humidifier, though. It’ll work wonders keeping your hair from breaking off, your skin won’t be as dry and you’ll breathe and sleep better!

“Vhhyyyyy do you insist I learn these Bleck things and be around these Bleck people?! We are just man and voman. I will pretend you have just deep tan and your history, culture, language and traditions do not exist and we vill raise our tan kids that way...let’s call it being colorblind! Except I will teach them to

Dismiss Bill. Every comment, every time.