
Islamic Feminism, is not a Western concept. Maybe read a book from time to time to understand that all types of thought existed, at one point or another, throughout the world and are not the exclusivity of one colonial region.

Oh look, its another Western Colonialist who wants to trample what the real people of Turkey want and instead wants to impose their government on us and ruin our traditions. No thank you, I rather like Erdogan as he’s one of the only true independent Islamic leaders left that isn’t sucking the western teat.

Oh look, another Western Colonialist who doesn’t care what us brown folks want but would rather come in and take on the White Man’s Burden and educate us. How surprising /s.

Erdogan, along with the Iranian leadership, is the only Muslim regime that does not suck up to the West nor do they want your “values” disrupting our traditions. I could care less what they do as long as they aren’t being lead around in chains to the tune of American or even European wishes. Good for them. They are

I actually liked that show. It stood out from the other garbage that is shown on TV these day. Last Man Standing had good humor, something which I can show my children, and which featured similar Muslim values. I also did not have to censor or monitor the show for characters which I do not want my children to see and

Its funny how white women and white privileged people can all stand up here and be sanctimonious and tell us, POC, how to react and behalf. AS a Muslim comedian he has done a whole lot more for the Muslim community than you lot have.  

Of course second and third generations are not“Indians”, but rather are “Indian-Americans”. These generations are infected with Western taste and a lack of understanding. They continually proclaim how terrible it is back home but do not understand or be willing to commit to any substantial changes because at the end

Stay away from Canada. We have no need of more oblivious white feminists tell us POC feminists of what to do.

Why would you suggest that? As a strong Muslim woman she has every right to stay in her marriage. Don’t suggest adopting your Western “white” ways to someone not from that culture. Would you suggest she leave her religion too to please you?

How about she set a good example for her fellow female Muslim activists and actually follow the rules of her religion. Its a disgrace how she cavorts freely while destroying the hard work Muslim feminists like myself work had to establish. 

Were were these protesters when Obama and the USA was blowing up women, children, and men through his drone program? That Muslim women like me could not go out in Pakistan because drones would strike anywhere? This day was nothing about minorities like me they were just about appeasing the white, over privileged,

Does not matter. Trump said that he will remove US bases, the same ones that are bombing and killing children and women and destroying needless Muslim lives, and I support him.

As a Muslim Feminist these women do not represent me. Where where these white ladies when Obama was bombing women and children? Not a peep was heard.