
Sure, there’s a “difference” in donating to the building fund but if you think for a hot second that the admins were about to stamp DENIED on the daughter of someone who donated 70 Million American dollars to the school, I will ask you to refrain from hittin’ on that bamma weed vape, my mellow.

including investigating the boyfriend.

My condolences to the family.

That’s not why the prosecutor lost in that case. The prosecutor never wanted to try that Krispy Kreme inflated son of a bitch in the first place and she half-assed her prosecution to a jury who were already predisposed not to give a fuck about a dead Black boy in the first place.

Apparently YOU forgot (or, most likely, are empathetic to) Zimmerman’s racist motivations for approaching Marvin: young black kid in a hoodie walking past him on a public street. Doesn’t matter what ethnicity Zimmerman is or claims to be; a white Trayvon Martin wouldn’t have been a blip on his ra(cist)dar.

“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”