I’m sure this guy has tons of experience driving Teslas. And probably daily’s a McLaren F1 long tail. Yeah that. Or he drives a v6 challenger. Most likely one of the two.
I’m sure this guy has tons of experience driving Teslas. And probably daily’s a McLaren F1 long tail. Yeah that. Or he drives a v6 challenger. Most likely one of the two.
Didn’t she rape a guy?
Nah, that’s not true. I’ve put a decent amount of miles on one, it handles nicely for a full sized sedan.
you’ve driven a model 3 through some backroads? please tell us more.
Have you actually driven one? I mean, it’s big, but no more so than many so-called “Sporty” vehicles like BMW SUVs with 500HP engines or similar Porsche vehicles, yet I don’t read much about them being bloated pigs.
You’re a nice person if you stop for people waiting to use the crosswalk. Typically it is not nice to honk at them,…
How different was the Model 3 than a standard Model S?
I’m going to assume less than people kill.
As a Day 1 Model 3 reservation placeholder, I’m pretty stoked about this. Can’t wait to kick back on long boring highway stretches and just let the car do its thing.
Wow, lies upon lies.
Fuck you, cunt.
DAY-um! Really like that bike. Looks like something Italian Batman would ride.
Beat me to it. Carbon Fibre for the win...
Uh, it has everything to do with greed. Do stockholders care whether a company is healthy, or dividends? The latter. And worshipping the stockholders is a shitty way to run a company. It used to be that you could reinvest profits back into your company, but now everyone just wants to get paid immediately the future be…
It’s called “not falling for the propaganda.” Get a clue. Then get a job. Then move out of your mom’s basement, kid. It will do wonders for your low self esteem.
Sorry, but the conditions of 100+ years ago cannot be compared to those of today.
Oh. An insult from a liberal on Jalopnik. How sad I am. LOL
Oh. You insulted me. On the Internet. How quaint.
I run my own very successful business. I know how business works. :)