
Something Jez writers don’t seem to understand is that taking criticism like an adult and not a sullen teen is part of being a professional in any field. Grown women acting bitchy or sassy in response to facts or general discourse is not cute and definitely not a good look. Probably best to get used to it before Jez

Are you fucking kidding us?

Others have sufficiently covered the fact that it’s been said by more than one writer and editor.

Could you be a little more self-aggrandizing please? Everything we’re doing down here is utterly insignificant and you’re a fool to think otherwise. HRC does not give a dusty fuck about what some anonymous rando says in the comment section.

I’ll cry on a wrinkly shoulder any day.

....It’s fresh because Jezebel flip flops on its supposed feminism whenever it’s convenient for page clicks, or when readers call you out on your wildly inconsistent feminism. You’re the ones who constantly dodge the issue.

I’m confused... so Hillary DOESN’T want those votes now?