No, I don’t think so. The fact that he could be a part of the “Never Trump” movement and then is willing to kiss the ring immediately after the election suggests he’s fickle and self-interested.
No, I don’t think so. The fact that he could be a part of the “Never Trump” movement and then is willing to kiss the ring immediately after the election suggests he’s fickle and self-interested.
Somehow, looking at this picture, I’m currently less upset about Trump getting to be president than I am about a smug brat like him getting to sit down and enjoy a special meal prepared by professional chefs every goddamn day of his life, when I’m sure he doesn’t even know how to make a baked potato.
P.S. I am from central Texas, which means we drove through Waco every time we went to Dallas. The only thing I love about that town is that BEAUTIFUL collection of fast food restaurants directly across the interstate from Baylor. They had everything a hungry driver could ever want.
Okay I know, anyone can sue over anything.
Canuck here
America was supposed to be the shining light of the world
America was supposed to be the shining light of the world, we are now dimmed and falling apart. I am embarrassed by us and hope it doesn’t get worse. The rest of the world is really laughing at us. Whatever strength we had and respect, that is lost.
Oh yeah, we’re all going down. It’s going to be painful for everyone. I don’t think people understood what they were voting for in this election, but they will when it’s too late. It’s really going to smell like revolution then.
I can’t wait to see what happens to these communities when Paul Ryan’s Trojan horse comes to take their social security, disability, and Medicare payments away. That ripping sound you hear is the social fabric and social contract that you assumed was just part of life being torn asunder. That’s what small government…
I’d rather outnumber/quarantine than understand/attempt to reason with them at this point, they’re fucking hopeless.
Yep, I live in Trumpland and can confirm. They will not listen, they do not care, racism existed before and this has nothing to do with Trump, he is going to unite our nation etc etc etc they do NOT give a fuck.
I’ve seen a lot of online posts saying that we need to work to understand the “Trump voter.” That liberal elitism prevented us from seeing/reaching the scared middle-American who saw their way of life slipping away. But, seriously, fuck that nonsense. I grew up in a small Alaskan town and I got out. I’ve gone back…
So ordering an evacuation due to “snow,” but also forbidding emergency services from assisting them if needed, TOTALLY shows that the state is just concerned for their safety.
Okay, but can reporting on this story PLEASE emphasize that the camp is located on unceded treaty land? Not only are they being ordered to leave, but they’re being ordered to leave land that actually belongs to them.
“protesters and police clashed.” This is irresponsible reporting. Police attacked peaceful protestors. Get your story straight.
They don’t care. You could show them the “fetal remains” of a first trimester abortion and it wouldn’t change a thing. The reality of abortion and miscarriage doesn’t even enter their consciousness. It’s not about the size of the remains to these assholes. They don’t even care about the details of an abortion. All…
This is really really stupid, and terrible. A lot of fetal remains in miscarriages are so small we can’t even really find them in pathology, let alone cremate or bury them. And if pathology is done, the remains are in formaldehyde and kept for X days (Depends on protocol of the facility) and then you have the little…
Was in my 30's when a one night stand became a pregnancy. At six weeks I underwent an abortion and afterward, asked to see. A teeny, tiny red clot - is all I can described the blob. Having seeing greater red blobs in my life, the image was healing. Having that blob been made to undergo anything but a draining is…
If no birth or death certificates are required why should this sort of medical waste be treated any differently than an amputated limb or organ?
For a party that hates big government they sure do a lot of it.