Kate Mckinnon is a Goddess! She can do no wrong.
Kate Mckinnon is a Goddess! She can do no wrong.
Poor Kellyanne! Y’all have seen this, right? More and more, I realize this is really her life.
because she’s shown in the past that she doesn’t really understand intersectional feminism.
I men they literally have video of her saying no and him inappropriately kissing her body and they still are saying it’s her fault. I mean come the fuck on!
I have masculine impulses all the time. You know what I do? Not assault people. It’s pretty easy.
Nothing wrong with WANTING to kiss them. That’s a masculine impulse and totally ok.
I really wish we all just started collectively flipping the fuck out when a man did something like this instead of feeling pressured to “remain calm.” I hate that so many cultures have brainwashed women to not make “big deals” out of shit like this.
James, you joke but it’s disturbing how little sexual agency female characters had in those old cartoons. I was watching an old Tom & Jerry with the kid and Tom falls into a dress and wig and is immediately descended upon by all the local male cats who attempt to “kiss” him/her despite protests.
You’re cute. Wrong, but cute.
You do understand the whole internet thing feeds this shit and gets it growing and rolling before any news media gets ahold of it right? They’re not driving this, they’re running alongside trying to keep up because their sleeve is caught in the door.
She was so bad as the host for Top Chef. Like the only annoying part of that whole first season was her. Padma is so much better.
Any redneck that rolls into North Philadelphia on Election Day is going to have a very bad time.
How is Katie Lee still bouncing around, getting gigs? Why don’t they give someone else a chance? Like, literally, anyone else would be as good.
I think they conveniently forget that Obama’s mother was white and an American citizen. And they never explain why an American woman would hop on a plane in the 1960s to have her baby in Kenya when the baby’s father was living in the US at the time. Wouldn’t airline travel to Kenya be very expensive during that…
Honestly, all his comments to lawyers/defendants aside, this guy should be thrown off the bench for his birtherism. If a member of the judicial branch of the government, sworn to uphold and defend the constitution, cannot accept the legitimacy of the executive branch of the government and thus everything that comes…
Yes brother-in-law, fixed.
It is a publicly traded company.
Do you remember when Ted Cruz was spouting off about carpet bombing (which verse was that in the Bible? I can’t remember) and Obama went on the record saying essentially “That is a literal war crime. We are bombing as much as intelligence allows.”
Trump couldn’t pass a third grade civics test.
The people planning to vote for him(?)
His sons?