
Miami. Same. 

As an actual cat-owner I must protest. Has she ever seen a cat irl, cuz that is not how they hack out furballs. At all. Where's the dry-heaving??! Needs way more dry-heaving. And no hands!!! Wtf.

1500 replies???! Okay, so now I under stand, gawker readers are obsessed with cock. I knew there was a reason I liked this site.

Calling her a snob is the most understated insult I've heard. Try fascist.

Ok, I was with you all the way until baseball nut. Is that really a flavor? I've never ever heard of such a thing in all my 38 years.

Not really a destination wedding but:

which reminds me of one of my favorite quotes:

If they're anytuing like me and my husband she's just sick of having to explain the rules to him.

I can imagine Mary Louise Parker in weeds saying it in weeds. But that could just be a fantasy.

ok lazy, I did the work for you because I was curious too. It's in Léon, east of rioja for context.

Do you not have any friends?

But what if talking about your sex life means talking about how you're not having enough or it wasn't that great, or other topics that need a little social support? I think what you mean is bragging about your sex life, in which case I agree, bragging is never admirable.

Ok, yeah, that answers my question. ouch!!!

I've never had sex that was as bad as a hangover, thank god. What is going on with that? Even in the worst circumstances, like the guy fucks like a jackhammer, or worse, no thrusting at all or early climax, at least it's over, you can jump out of bed and move on or just tell him stop or leave. Hangovers are much

That is exact same for me. Two slip-ups, immediately took emergency contraception and then was pregnant, therefore, two abortions:( Not really having a lot of faith in Plan B anymore, but it seems to work for other people.