Don’t support the horrible next console or what happened to us that bought a Wii U and Virtual Boy will happen to you.
Don’t support the horrible next console or what happened to us that bought a Wii U and Virtual Boy will happen to you.
The censor squad hasn’t banned someone not circlejerking yet? Fuck. That’s bad. Almost as bad as not learning from you morons causing the Trump presidency because you were so busy circlejerking and running off voters that you thought you idiots were going to win the whole time and now we’re all fucked because of you.…
And then his far worse religious fanatic vice president takes over and the Republicans become united. Far far worse.
Pretty much what Republicans were saying when Obama was first elected. Try coming up with something new, idiot. You caused this mess after all.
You caused this. This is what happens when you run off voters.
Are they stupid? What do they think is going to happen, the Republicans will just give up and let the Democrats have everything? I hate these people almost as much as I hate you people for causing this mess. They need to create a violent revolution or STFU. This isn’t Egypt, protesting does nothing.
And you still are mentally.
We have no hope. Hillary and her supporters made sure of that when you ran off voters with harassment, attacks, bullying and slander while circlejerking each other that Hillary would easily win as you did all this. You fucked us over. I keep seeing you people trying to put the blame on Bernie supporters or men, but it…
Good article, but I feel he left out the harassment, attacks, bullying and slander that was coming from Hillary supporters, including ones in the media, that were running off voters, and Hillary ignoring it all while having her PR people subtly do it too by insinuating that people were sexist because they dared…
I actually did my own research into the GamerGate community instead of just mindlessly following what the media said and GamerGate did turn out to be a lot of racist, homophobic, misogynists that were just using GG as a circlejerk and a front so they could abuse people while saying they’re all about ethics. Funny…
Now make them kiss~
There will be very little violence if he tries to roll back rights. People are more concerned with entertainment than they are with fighting for anything. It was nice while it lasted for us LGBT. Glad I never came out to anyone but my close family.
Oh, and since you’re a full on bigoted moron it seems I need to remind you that Trump has a lot of female supporters so yeah, you are in fact a bigot if you are going to blame men for this. You’ll fit right in in this new bigoted America.
This was actually Hillary and her supporters fault. You bullied, harassed, attacked and slandered away support for an already unlikable canidate. What did you think was going to happen with you acting like that and Hillary’s PR team subtly calling everyone that criticizes her and doesn’t bow down sexists? lol…
Did they predict the democrats would be the ones to cause him to win?
I’m feeling nostalgic.
You caused this Jezebel.
You caused this mess. I’ll be rubbing your nose in it for the next 4 years.