Female Human Being

I’m from Swedish descent, I voted for the only person who had a CHANCE to beat Trump - and DID, but isn’t our President (?????). Politics pervade everything in our current reality and won’t go away. What does have a chance of going away is the way we view ourselves and the level of dignity we choose to display. It

It’s really not about being open minded. It’s about taking people out of their established habits and putting a different mode of neurotransmitting into their brains - even if it means continued abuse by Megyn Kelly. We ALL are in this situation of the brain ruling our lives - instead of using it as the “tool” it

But they VOTE.

I have called hundreds of Senators/Congressmen-Women RESTISTING Trump’s racist/fascist regime only to see a massive push-back. Then, basic physics comes to mind: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Methinks our methodology needs rethinking in order to succeed. Water always flows to the lowest point,

I don’t want to give NBC any credit that isn’t due them, but perhaps their putting her on air will bring some of the Fox so-called news viewers that follow her to a (hopefully) more Fact based news production. And maybe it will spread to other seeming hopelessly entangled viewers from the pits of FoxHell. Hope

BTW. I think the unseemly perp/twit/monster should be publicly shamed and then prosecuted on all charged accounts to the maximum extent of the law. This would be a great precedent setting case......especially the public shaming (on national media) including being called out by all who witnessed the shameful event

Unfortunately, they appear to be of the same specie, which gives them equal rights (which they don’t want to share), but along with those rights, our species seem to suffer from the same weakness to our egos - they are just displayed/acted out differently - due to many social/environmental/cultural/genetic/familial

Thank you for your perspective!! Celebrate Life......