I got a free XM radio subscription with my car and all I listen to is this 90s alternative station and I'll be damned if I don't get a little hyped every time a Third Eye Blind song comes on. This article is making me feel better about those feelings.
We get it Jenkins, you can log off now.
Semi-Charmed Kind of Life is pretty sucky, but their other songs are actually interesting, lyrically, if you can get into the pop lite aspect.
I still love the remix of Losing a Whole Year. Great breakup song. And acoustic versions of Jumper (ala Yes Man) are pretty great, too.
At least it wasn't Nickleback.
Solidarity, Reg.
You can like the people and not the music, right? That’s how I’m going to do it.
Your comment made me laugh so hard. I just imagined the deadpan delivery and everything.
I’ll say!
You’re all individuals!
Yeah! Fuck Science!
Third Eye Woke as Fuck
This. Now THIS is some intelligent, high-level trolling.
Yassssss my 3eb and Stephan Jenkins crush is reignited. I love the self awareness that not playing the hits was a form of punishment. Also news to me that they're popular with Republicans? Their music is nearly entirely anthems for 90s rich kid hippie liberal stoners, no?
Like Bruce Willis drilling himself into the core of an evil asteroid, Third Eye Blind performed to a sea of GOPers…