FelyxLeiter is out there

My younger sister had a doll that she adored. Our great uncle was an Irish Catholic priest with a penchant for dark humor and martinis. When we would get together at Grandma's every Sunday, Father would playfully grab our dolls or toys when we would walk by his chair. One night, his fingers accidentally got tangled

Agreed. I understand that TB is an excellent organization. It just sucks that they're even needed.

Because nothing will ever change if the assholes of the world are allowed to make the rules. Zakaria and Logan are bright women who understand their jobs place them at risk.

"The area is not safe and we recommend leaving, if possible," tweeted Tahrir Bodyguard.

When someone asks you if you're a god, you say, "YES!"

Being Harrison Ford makes up for a lot, too.

Seconded! I canna focus with a handsome, broad-shouldered man in the room. And it is totes HIS PROBLEM.

"Which means…what? That a 14-year-old's value doesn't have anything to do with how many inches of thigh she's showing at graduation?"


I was SO hoping someone would put this up!


Gah!!! I actually made one with a friend of mine when we were in middle school!! It was a far more diverse board of characters than the traditional game offered, and it was way more fun.
