
Theres spoilerage about this I think. In any case POSSIBLE SPOILERAGE...

“Terroristic threats” is a legal term that has nothing to do with terrorism, the war on terror, the patriot act, etc. If you wrote a letter to the local paper threatening to shoot your town up 100 years ago, the charge would be the same.

Many threats are deemed not credible by the police. This was apparently not one of them. Might have to do with the fact this guy is a registered sex offender for example or a number of other factors we’re not aware of. Calling it a terrorism, sure, could be a bit too much but who knows what these “modified paintball

Next time someone threatens to shoot something up or bomb something online, I hope no one overreacts. And then when it happens I hope you don’t say anything.

This dude’s FB page paints a pretty clear picture of the kinda person he is. Yes, it’s only a paintball gun he threatend with but those can do real damage.

He’s a shit person with a bunch of shit friends and they probably all encourage eachother to do this macho bullshit to random strangers.

Yeah he seems like a real winner all around based on that tough guy profile pic.

If you are in your car late at night and some lunatic points a handgun at you and says don’t move are you going to hang around? I’m going to punch it. I’m not going to try and hit the guy because I want to get the hell out of there.

There is no allegation that the players trespassed. Even in the homeowner’s account, they were parked on the street. At which point he pointed his gun at them. The homeowner is entirely in the wrong here, even if the kids tried to run him over (which they had every right to do at that point).

What the fuck is wrong with people? This man needs to be arrested, it isn’t 1880s Wild Wild West. And it isn’t Pokemon Go’s fault - they could have easily been making a phone call, looking at Google Maps because they were lost, or even pulled over to take a quick nap because they were on a road trip and decided to not