
Larger guns, like shotguns and rifles, would still require permits, but not handguns.

Exactly. Kind of like how, yes, Trump is terrible, but Pence would be worse since he’s not absolutely incompetent in getting his agenda pushed through.

She’d be way worse because she is much smarter than Sean Spicer, and she’s malignant rather than petulant.

“A sandwich!”

Identity theft. Just part of the circle of life.

Wow, a new species of rat that swims towards sinking ships.

but I’ve been reluctant to use it because I’ve realized I’m only using the word to describe women, or to disparage men for acting in a way that our patriarchal society would generalize as more womanly (e.g., “he’s acting like a little bitch”). I think it’s telling that our society still thinks it’s OK to use slurs

Hey look at the updates...Pentagon confirms they warned Russians ahead of time...I must be psychic

Four years...Unless the NCAA comes to town or I get a job in TV, then I’m leaving in the dead of night and Coach Mike (who calls his wife “Mother”) is taking over.

Collusion would be that the Russians were told the attack and allowed it. And that’s what happened.

My favorite part is when he hand waves away Tebow (who excelled at every one of his made up categories) because he wasn’t much of a passer. Guess what isn’t one of the things that Lombardi thinks is essential for a QB? Being good at passing!

Jesus, just @ me next time

Tell me more, Mr. Lombardi.

This is an awful take.

Again...fuck that crew. Absolutely the worst shit I’ve seen.

I spent my entire weekend calling in rules violations to the LPGA, so it was nice being able to take this game off. Good job refs.

Fuck the refs. They influenced that game about as much as they could without actually playing. And that’s coming from a diehard Tarheel fan.

god dammit

Maybe he needs more FIBERTRON

This is fascinating, Dave. Thanks for writing it.