I love me some bad names griping. This...doesn’t seem all that bad...? Maybe my tolerance has gone up, or these really aren’t that bad (or maybe there’s a joke that going right over my head. More than a little bit possible).
I love me some bad names griping. This...doesn’t seem all that bad...? Maybe my tolerance has gone up, or these really aren’t that bad (or maybe there’s a joke that going right over my head. More than a little bit possible).
“These people have awful names.”
True, Schiano did unleash upon that team a pretty brutal staph.
Doobie Doobie Dooo...
Bernhard Langer (he of Trumpian fame) came back from the putting yips by going to the anchored stroke - which is now illegal.
Actually I think the press finally has his number and is double teaming him: There’s what we see on the air and investigative journalism going on behind the scenes.
She is only critiquing the narrative. A review would have talked about things like game play, graphics, controls, etc along with the narrative.
“Well you don’t have to rub it in.”
Mario Kart? In elementary school? Please, child. Some of us were playing Pac-Man and Defender in elementary school.
Well, you dumb fuck, as a former Chargers fan who is divorcing the NFL currently, I understand why it’s important that the Packers shareholders own their own team. Instead of Alex Spanos’ dissolute progeny. It’s not a trivial consideration at all, it’s just that you don’t get it.
Allow me a brief moment of soapboxing-
But here’s the thing, all the doom and gloom the Right ranted about Obama never happened. No gun control, he was not a Muslim, nor a Kenyan etc etc. However, just in the last week the Republicans voted in the middle of the night to strip millions of their health care benefits, already introducing legislation to…
Yea, the Chiefs were having a hard time with the Oakland run especially when they had 6 on the line. They only needed 8 and could have just kept pounding the ball. Oh well, I’m glad they didn’t. Go Chiefs!
Damn shame about DJ too. He looked like it was done.
Whatever you need to tell yourself, man.
Until they admit Patetno’s role in it, renounce him and his action, say that he was a fucking awful human being, stop treating him like he was a god then, no, I don’t have the charity to move past it and let them forget what happened.
Uh if the PSU alumni and fan base would, for the most part, acknowledged that Joe Paterno was a horrible human being and stop denying he was innocent and what he was a part of should never be excused just because he was good at winning football games, I might be inclined to agree with you.
Fuck Penn State
Not a person apparently
“Khan, demonstrably outweighed and outsized by Álvarez, boxed his slow and predictable opponent’s ears off for four rounds, right up to the moment he got hit with a solid shot for the first time.”