How does it not support USB-C? Can’t you plug those cables into any old charger?
How does it not support USB-C? Can’t you plug those cables into any old charger?
How does it not support USB-C? Can’t you plug those cables into any old charger?
How does it not support USB-C? Can’t you plug those cables into any old charger?
Well, as long as you like your job.
Well, I use my tax refund to pay my local taxes since I can’t get my work to withhold them.
6:30 to 4:30 is 10 hours. Why are you working so long?
Except me not paying my electric or rent doesn’t actually hit my credit score.
Of course it’s bad. It’s not some horrible thing but debt vs not debt, not debt is better. Getting debt(bad) might be worth getting the house(good) but that doesn’t made the debt good.
Of course. Having debt is bad. The only time your credit score matters is when you are getting a loan aka more debt. Your credit score is all about how good you are at having debt from the credit company’s perspective. It actually has nothing to do with how well you’re doing financially.
I’m just going to keep using unreliable passwords for everything. How about... my birthday.
Is that really so bad?
Are you stupid? If you go up and down they cancel each other out.
Well, Phelps was some random dude until he got like 5 Gold Medals. At that point I started knowing his name instead of calling him the US Swimmer
But that’s the only option that Time Warner offers if you want high speed internet and cable. There is no bundle that doesn’t throw in the phone unless you get a lower tier internet.
But that’s the only option that Time Warner offers if you want high speed internet and cable. There is no bundle…
Well, it’s my $200 Cable/Internet/Phone or my $70 Internet, and I wasn’t using the Phone anyways. And even with Cable I still have Netflix and Amazon Prime, so all I’m really adding is Hulu.
Well, it’s my $200 Cable/Internet/Phone or my $70 Internet, and I wasn’t using the Phone anyways. And even with…
It is very tasty, as covering an anything in cheese naturally is, but I feel like I’m missing out now.
So... Round these parts a wet burrito is just like a standard burrito with queso blanco on it. I admit that being in North East Ohio I don’t get the pinnacle Mexican experience, but is this some strange failure on the part of our state or is this a thing?