Not every chance should be taken. There are plenty of good, niche ideas car makers could risk to realize. This wasn’t one of them. SUV cabriolets just suck and should be killed with fire, period.
Not every chance should be taken. There are plenty of good, niche ideas car makers could risk to realize. This wasn’t one of them. SUV cabriolets just suck and should be killed with fire, period.
I frankly expected more criticism of their lighting in the comments. Seems people are just numb to how horribly fugly and over the top most car designs have become. I can’t even decide whether I hate the front or rear lighting more, both are just way too much and needlessly weird for the sake of it.
Cheese my car and I will slap the chocolate out of your punk ass.
Easy: You lost your taste in car design.
Somehow the new front end looks fugly AF and yet, somehow still totally uninteresting. Meh shrug.
Imagine the shock waves that the original Countach sent through the car industry in the early 70s. It literally looked like a space ship compared to lesser cars. This is a nice looking Aventador bodykit that I will have forgotten in about 12 hours. Oh how far Lambo has fallen.
Nice design but Lord above, all this marketing ego masturbation bla bla is hard to stand. Also Horch 853 inspired wheels? GTFOH, son.
You seem to not know what a metaphoar is. This thing is entirely pointless vulgar excess. An electric drag racer and probably every Tesla will humiliate it in a drag race, so whats the point of burning those 50 gallons?!
Are yall really that gullible? No, he did surely not forget that the same thing happened under his watch. He knows damn well but he denies and deflects any blame and people fall for it by either believing him or LOLing about his antics instead of throwing him in fucking jail where he belongs. The misleader of the free…
That this is the first article posted after the one about the IPCC report is a perfect metaphoar for what is wrong with murrica and how this is a big problem for us from the rest of the world as well.
Enjoy your Prius, mate. But don’t force your fugly car on others, please. Well, except truck and SUV drivers, those are much worse than a base model Prius even.
This article is missing Art of Rally. So hyped to finally play it.
Who wants to be seen in something so abhorrently looking? Imagine having to look at that every day, what a living hell.
I know it would have been a pretty hefty engineering feat but they missed a big chance by not making it AWD and calling it the Plus Four by Four.
I am not a big fan of the design neither, the rear looks downright comical. But if they made the part inside the traditional Audi trapeze grille body color and smooth, that front end might actually look really cool and futuristic.
Well, Al Franken stepped down immediately and all the democrats insist Cuomo needs to step down. Also see Katie Hill. But that doesn’t even focus on the core of my question, though. How is it ok if people from one party can clearly have sex with minors or personally protect people sexually violating minors, yet…
Not that he doesn’t deserve to be impeached or all the flak he is getting. But how come this is always such a big drama if it is a Democrat and Republicans get away with far worse shit with not nearly as much media outcry? How come Gaetz still has his job? Why is Jim Jones still in office? Shouldn’t they have to step…
Everything that isn’t a pointless obnoxious SUV or Truck. Because fuck mankind.
The Rivian Delivrian!
Holy fucking fuck, I loved Carmageddon so much as a young teenager. Makes me love Wreckfest even more, it is already my favorite racing game of the last 5 years easily. So much fun and mayhem! <3