
What do you mean, not the best color combo?! It is so 70s/80s, it almost hurts. I had a 1985 Audi 80 in the same color combo as a student and people loved it to bits. Or it just fell apart, hard to tell. Anyway, that thing is Radwood or Cars & Coffee perfection for a seriously good price!

At $3,500, Is This 1984 Buick Skyhawk T-Type A Great Deal Or Just A Leftover Turkey?

Volvo is the correct take. Or Jaaaaaaaaaaaaag. 2020 XF AWD near Vermont, Certified, 380 hp, fits the bill rather perfectly.

70 million people voted for Drumpfolini. Half of them believe that election fraud bullshit and a growing number claims Covid is a hoax. So even if all of those idiots flying and getting together over the holidays are Republican dickheads, that makes for only a fraction of all those dickheads that roam the land.

That is not exactly good news.

Ok Covid, this is your second chance. Now don’t blow it again.

Gold throttle pedal = auto win

Now everybody, please go and harass that feckless cunt some more.

I think this lizard demon in a human suit would actually enjoy if people screamed at him and visibly loathe him. So I wonder if this motherfucker can be triealed at Den Haag? Throw him in jail for the rest of his days. And whip the soap out of his hand every (literally) fucking day in the showers.

Except I didn’t use all caps or multiple punctuation marks anywhere. So dare I say your wrong generalisation was more insufferable than my personal (professional, since I am a transportation designer myself) take on this, actually QUITE AWULLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 redesign.

Allow me to state why I strongly disagee with your take and why I think this facelift is a complete mess:

I did not dispute that. I said the design itself was good, unlike the BMW naked molerat front.

I think I have the best case to make here: This outstanding little coupe could have saved Lancia back when it was introduced. Interest was so damn high, it could have led to a resurrection of the greatest brand in history. Hell, I would have bought it back then and probably be on my second one right now along with my

Starred for the Fulvia.

That would have been my new car last month right there. :/

I will never be able to aford one. But it still hurts somehow.

The monolithic design with few, very precise lines demonstrates character and gives the car a modern appearance. The BMW iX is bold and yet clean and elegant.

The difference is: The Audi grille back then was new, but good. This BMW naked molerat front is new, but horrendous.

I meah, uh... Ok but you entirely missed the point of my rant? Which firstly was not from today and also about their audacity to call themselves world leading when all they have so far is one ugly, plump, uninspiring POS that had to be delayed multiple times because of problems.

Your assumption is wrong, I am from Germany, so I should see a lot of them by now. What I do see a lot of indeed is that fugly new Golf that launched this year as well, but no ID3s.