Oh thank God. I had this terrible feeling that our planet isn’t dying fast enough. We clearly need moar obnoxious trucks to put ol’ earth out of its misery. MURRICA FUCK YEAH!!!!! BALD EAGLE SCREAMS!!!!!111!!!!1 DOZE ON, BRO!!!!!!!
Oh thank God. I had this terrible feeling that our planet isn’t dying fast enough. We clearly need moar obnoxious trucks to put ol’ earth out of its misery. MURRICA FUCK YEAH!!!!! BALD EAGLE SCREAMS!!!!!111!!!!1 DOZE ON, BRO!!!!!!!
This might come as a shock to you, but yes. I prefer people exercising their right to demonstrate for more justice and equality over a system that oppresses half its citizens and takes good care of the ultra rich only, led by a corrupt government that puts children in cages, lets more than 150000 of its people die…
I was about to say, I must have driven RA wrong in all those sims if it actually has a significantly shorter laptime than COTA. While his reasoning doesnt make much sense, I totally agree with his choices because I infinitely prefer RA over the Texas Tilkedrome.
If they were a real, coordinated group that actually exists, I would actually prefer them to the FAs in the white house right now.
You have been the rogue nation for almost 4 years now. Here in Germany, we are more like “Well yeah, of course he does this next downright evil thing.” and wondering why he is not yet trialed at Den Haag.
I reckon its delusion.
The day this rotten piece of shit gets chased out of the white house, there is only one thing that needs to be done before he gets trialed at Den Haag:
Is the point they are trying to make that you can make a car so ugly that it is entirely irrelevant what fuel propels it? Good grief, that thing is beyond hideous.
Seriously, that thing looks rad AF. Somebody needs to make a widebody kit for the 3 road car that mimics those sexy TCRs fenders. The rear arches help a lot to break up that huge unbroken rear surface, which is the only aspect of the design I really don’t like.
It is still baffling to me how none of those über rich has commissioned to build a second one for them until now. If I had the moneys, that is about the first thing I would do with my disposable income.
If you think this answer makes you look cynical cool, think again.
First of all: Reacting appropriately to that drum solo would have been to jump up, throw the table out the window and wild the fuck out. Also I don’t get this reaction nonsense. Are people so emotionally dead nowadays that they need other peoples reaction to lovely food or fantastic music to know how to feel about it?
Listen: I know we all want Cheeto McButthole-Mouth out of the White House, but as Biden’s dog whistle slowly but surely morphs into a bullhorn, it’s getting harder and harder for us to justify casting that ballot in his name.
Torch suggested my car. My life as a Jalopnik commenter is complete. Also it is a fantastic suggestion, carving those LA canyons in a Fulvia sounds like heaven on earth. She was made for those kind of roads.
Oh boy, who would have thought this would happen. Well, besides scientists and people with a common sense, but whutevs.
Oh boy, who would have thought this would happen. Well, besides scientists and people with a common sense, but whutevs.
While I can’t rule out Tlaibs accusation being accurate, Dorito 45 comes across as more of a daughterfucker to me, though.
I hate to say this, but this whole trip is a terrible idea. You murricans done fucked up this whole covid situation as bad as possible and even here in Germany, the second wave is coming thanks to some ignorant assholes. And that is the time you want to meet your elderly parents who are at risk?! FFS at least get a…
The Gordon Murray Automotive T.50 Is The Only Hypercar That Matters
None, absolutely not 1 millisecond. Fuck this orange turd and every word he utters.