
What I don’t understand: Did nobody call the cops? I mean, I know, BLM protesters calling the cops is ironic AF but those people clearly threatened peoples lives FFS.

Dis dum muhfucka.

You seem to have missed the news that all German coal and fossil fuel plants will be shut down over the next years. We already had some days here this and last year when green energy covered 100% of the daily use of the whole country. Also nuclear power is too dangerous and irresponsible looking at the waste it

Looking at the vehicles that murricans are actually buying at the moment, it is more like the US are making phone booths and crank phones in your analogy.

EVs are still so much more expensive to buy than ICE vehicles that this incentive is desperately needed. The Peugeot 208 with 130hp costs 26000€ as ICE and 33000€ as EV. Nobody in their right mind would pay 7 large more for the EV version with less range and only slightly cheaper running cost without the incentive.

Your government only lets the states handle shit if it is convenient for them to deflect the blame. If it isn’t they threaten to sue them or even do. See Drumpf & co vs. California on fuel standards. If you want real change, go vote the orange racist idiot out in November. :)

What I meant is that I find it puzzling that the governments of this world are ok with millions of trucks and SUVs driving around while normal cars are subject to pedestrian crash rules that limit the height of their front ends, have a certain distance between hood and engine etc. It is pretty obvious that for some

So what you are saying is that you are an egoistic asshole with no empathy for others?

Do you happen to own a SUV or Truck, perchance? I mean, with all respect to the data you are posting tirelessly here, but it should be obvious that SUVs and Trucks are more harmful to a person when they get hit by one compared to a normal car. So even taking this small number of cases in the study Bradley presented

I think that is the problem right there. The XE is a lovely car but neither special enough nor competitive enough to really make an impact. The Giulia has the same problem, to a lesser extent since it still feels a bit more special, more beautiful too. The other problem is that neither are offered as a wagon, that

I think the last gen Mazda 3 was pretty graceful. The new one would be too if it wasn’t for the plump C-pillar. Also the new Focus pulls of graceful proportions quite well, I am just not a fan of the grille.

As an owner of a vintage Lancia, I can also tell you that it will teach you lessons in serenity and humility. After a while, you will be calm and collected if there is an issue and happy and thankful if your diva decides to start without issue (even if she does every time, like mine so far).

My Dad bought a new MK1 Golf in 1980. He only had it for a short while because my Mom was t-boned in it by some idiot, thankfully on the empty passenger side. So what did my Dad buy to replace the sensible Golf? Well, a frog green 924, of course.

Who in their right mind looks at this plump oversized Tonka truck and thinks: “Hey, thats good looking, exactly the kind of transportation I need!” I mean, besides off road enthusiasts but how many of those things will actually see off road usage? 1%?

“Nobody show up to this asshole’s book signings.”

Still fugly, tho.

Jason, it is probably time to discuss how to pronounce Changli. The way you say it probably sounds to chinese people like “porsh” sounds to my German ears when a murrican tries to say Porsche. From working with Asian people named Chang, I am 99% sure it is not Chenglee, its Chunglee.

How about more educated replies?

Well spoken, my condolences to her as well. It is sad that I had to scroll by so much mushroom penis talk to find another kind soul that focuses on the much more important news here. Actually, why is the main article not about Omars loss instead of that irrelevant nonsense Melania says. Shameful.

“This is simply about people who want to be able to freely demean LGBTQ people because they hate them, and are furious that they can’t do that”