
I believe this is the home, no?

That's beautiful

Philly is down to the 14th fatest. When I was there I don't think there was a year outside of the top 5. They're definitely trending opposite of your ending line.

Sources close to Sapp note that Missouri, Miami & Tennessee appear to be getting the most consideration at this time.

Go to DE instead - LiquorWorld lets you know when you've crossed the state line

Not to mention a gas station near my office has a growler filling station next to the coffee pots

You're definitely overthinking life. Don't worry, you're not alone. Just don't overthink the empathy and stories meant to built a bridge over differences into a common existence when you encounter fellow overthinkers.

Havasu isn't trashy, although it does get taken over for a small part of the year by spring breakers. Bullhead isn't a great city, but not sure what anyone would expect in an a desert 0utpost of 40,000 people. Laughlin is in NV. Needles CA is also in the nearby area.

Havasu is a small, mainly retirement, town with no gaming - this is like Vegas how? Over half the population is 45+, not to mention the temporary winter residents which are all retirees. It gets over run by spring breakers for a stretch and the river is a recreation outpost for others when it's not spring break.

Except your local beer distributor is half way across the city and closes at 6........

It's been a decade since I've been and I was watching an act known to bring out tailgating - so that can shift it as well. At that time they didn't open up the grass lots until 90 minutes before the show to discourage such events. Venue had a lot of potential, bathrooms were weird though.

Having lived in both PA & AZ, I would put AZ ahead. The cities in PA are good because drinks are very available, cheap and you can just stumple everywhere. The small towns are like that as well, just ramped up and cheaper. The problem is availability outside the bars, which is a pain.

Utah is the most insane place I've had drinks - well Salt Lake. This was back when you still needed to buy a membership to get into a bar. We went into this one bar, about 9-9:30. Really large downstair area. Pretty much empty.

By far the worst tailgating I've ever been to - so much so that MD may be my worst get drunk state. Pounding shots/beers out of your trunk standing in a mall parking lot while over zealous security wanders to site anyone they can for having a drink is not a good time.

It sounds like the book moved away from the boring aspects of it being a job to the more sensational, move print sexcapades of a guy who is still young & immature. RimJob would be a better title.

ESPN Reporter

Exactly - they hadn't scored a TD all night and showed no life on offense. Not great odds they would get to the 1 on a drive and then the very next drive when they have to pass, go the length of the field and punch in a TD.

Shocktop/AB really missed with a lot of their new beers. I never have really high expectations, but some fit in the market nicely. The apple isn't the worst of the bunch though.

This goes well beyond race and even beyond class. Also, just because you are less likely to be in the crosshairs - as rich people will be on this issue - it doesn't mean you can't have a voice.

Even worse he's a mental midget. He is so full of bravado that he's about the perfect person to bait. He doesn't have the skill set to punish these guys, but keeps trying to do it anyway. There is a reason why Sherman is constantly trolling him and that Kaep is the only guy in the league trying to force throws