Very different dances - Mebane is a straight up belly roll ......... Bennett is complete Rick Rude - both have been doing them since last year ... although Mebane is now on IR
Very different dances - Mebane is a straight up belly roll ......... Bennett is complete Rick Rude - both have been doing them since last year ... although Mebane is now on IR
There is always one factor that is missed - the NBA owners typically don't need their NBA franchise to sustain their lifestyle - It's more of a toy that builds franchise value over time if they ever wanted to cash it in
All sorts of the expected commentary on this one already.
Kind of messed up she just assumes the brown guy is named Jesus
He helped Seattle enough when he was on the Rams. Also, RG is about the only spot on their line this year that has been somewhat stable and performed well. He'd be no upgrade there.
Exactly - there are pieces of shit that are functional, guys who can be complete crap bags yet still find a way to work well in a locker room, benefit their team on the field and generally reign it in enough that they don't get run out of every stop they make.
But it isn't - you are incapable of accepting this because you are a dolt. I would point out tons of contrary information, but again - it's a waste of time and effort when the receiver isn't capable of comprehension. Like feeding a large chunk of prime steak to a snail, no matter how good the meat is the poor little…
Again, not even completely true.
There was a sequence with about 6 minutes left in the 3rd which sums up the lakers this year. Start with the Suns having the ball and easily moving it through a half court set, the Suns version of Plumlee catches the ball in the paint and kind of throws up a panic hook expecting there to be some kind of defense in…
Knowing that their team is devoid of talent, they've tied their hands to an egomaniacal gunner and their pick is only top 5 protected with teams like Philly & Orlando still out there - what should they do?
Did handicapped people make handicapped faces?
Now Clayton just whines about Marshawn not being friendly with the media - maybe he's saving up for another basket..........
Weed did him almost as bad as Josh Gordon
My brother in law has designated whiskey at my house. I had a really nice bottle of bourbon and get the whole "I love bourbon" - to fend off my wife's constant shrill of "you don't like my brother", which is false, I decide to offer some up
I'm in line with the thoughts on this. I did a study abroad in London about 15 years ago and Stella tall cans were our walking beer. Having a devoloping palate and being 19/20 when over there we all thought it was pretty solid for being the beer alternative to the typical homeless swill of Strongbow. Given how much…
Even more reason to not be all self important and provide links that no one asked for/care about that and then get even more self important when someone doesn't worship your endeavor.
Incidentally, there's nothing "stupid" about my blog.
Looks at all these black employee of the month winners - she's clearly running a plantation kitchen
I'd take herpes over full blown AIDS, but would prefer neither and wouldn't attribute either to making me a better person or anything dumb like that