
Careful Darnell, looking at your cap hit next year and the Cardinals play without you combined with the desire for one last large paycheck there is a very good chance you could be the next past their prime vet to cash the retirement contract in front of those 15,000 rabid fans in the sewage pit

I don't know if that's true .... Adrian Peterson has that biggie heart and we all know he'd never severely beat someone who is defenseless

Gift details: Will e-mail attendees based on scanned tickets with redemption instructions. Lower Bowl ticket gets you $50 for future ticket or merchandise/concessions at the arena. Upper Bowl gets you $25 for the same.

It is a museum and they walk you through the process like most operating breweries do. If you go on your birthday though you get a pretty nice commemorative glass, the tour was super cheap and didn't take that long and at the end you got to drink for a solid 30 minutes with cheese puffs at the table. That was the

You thought correctly

This would hold more weight if any of those pictures showed players giving interviews, you know the action that they could be fined for.........

I would as well - mainly because Bose is paying $30M on up per year for this right and that revenue is going into the pot that helps maintain the players salaries, which eclipse these endorsement deals - really nothing new though, one notable example is RGIII and Adidas

Both of those pictures would be absolutely fine - as the player isn't giving an interview. This stems from Kaepernick needing to wear headphones to every post game press conference, which makes him look like superdouche as it is - which should be punishment enough

A little weed in the system is nothing that a good whopping can't fix, he should be cool with a little flogging to create the memory that you don't smoke weed when you are out on bond that includes drug testing

Haven't we learned yet that nothing positive comes from treating criminal activity as an administrative issue? From campus rapes by athletes or the more extreme Penn State situation, there are things that should always be reported and investigated at a criminal level with no interference from a school/program.

Garcon had a lot to say before the playoff game a couple years ago, including this gem about Brandon Browner:

On, Wisconsin!

We keep all the fresh beer in our on field rape shed. Step inside and we'll serve you up one.

Fans name is Cakebread, which makes the whole thing seem worthwhile

The Pottsville Piss is objectively better than a lot of other cheap beers though. For Yuengling it's all about price point - it's basically a regional Bud Light. The way some would go to a bar and say "give me a bud" in the Philly area you simply ask for "lager".

I'm still waiting for Peterson to point out, through his attorneys words, that God let his own son get brutally beat and executed in a slow public manner because all of his other creations weren't acting right and following simple directions - that discipline helped create the world as it is today - so in reality what

"Soooooo, you say Im wrong because I did not have definitive proof, even though you ALSO have no proof?

Was actually really easy - here is an article about Sam Zellers who was in the first TC graduating class - includes photos of him in home ec, on the basektball team (with other black players) and discusses some of the climate at the school. TC was clearly integrated before 1971, it was clearly integrated when it