Too bad there’s no such thing as a guaranteed knockout. This is my one major beef with watching MMA with noobs — if it was that easy to KO someone, do you think two highly trained pro athletes would spend 15 minutes NOT doing it?
Too bad there’s no such thing as a guaranteed knockout. This is my one major beef with watching MMA with noobs — if it was that easy to KO someone, do you think two highly trained pro athletes would spend 15 minutes NOT doing it?
Something Wicked is fantastic. My favorite Bradbury will always be Dandelion Wine. He’s my dad’s favorite author so I was introduced early.
That all makes sense to me. And those are great choices for favorites!
Judy Blume: replacing people’s moms since 1970.
Well said. You’re preaching to the choir though, I’m a hippy environmentalist activist.
Oh, I’m shocked that he said Badger is less oily than this. I normally use Badger, but I felt like the Honest brand was less greasy than this one. The Badger will sit on top of my skin, and the next hour when I reapply, it’s still there. The Honest sat on top at first, but then absorbed. Maybe it’s the type of Badger…
Same could be said for uranium :)
Thanks, that makes a lot of sense
On Jezebel articles, you’re always going to have that subset of DNBs that will run around flailing their arms screaming, “I’m offended.”
Good luck getting everyone to not take it personal. According to most of these comments, people think Ronda is talking specifically about them and their life choices.
A DNB. The kind of chick that just tries to be pretty and be taken care of by someone else.
Hmm, interesting. I work for gut microbiome researchers, I’ll ask them what they think.
I’m one of the cilantro is tasty people and can’t stand Stevia.
Ha! Yeah, but only in this one area. She was loud, brassy, and opinionated, and I loved her for all that. But her apparent love for the taste of saccharine still confounds me.
This is the sort of story I see where I realize how strict my parents really were about this sort of thing. My mother also didn’t want us having sugar, so we had unrestricted access to water. She would say diet soda just teaches you to want to drink soda. Oh, you want something sweet? Have some fruit! It’s nature’s…
Yeah... everyone’s like “but regular soda is bad for you!!!!” Yes. That’s why I don’t drink it, except from the occasional “fancy” soda like Izze or pellegrino orange soda. It’s all nasty tasting to me.
I hate diet sodas. I have never understood the obsession with diet coke, which to me tastes like someone tortured a real coke by killing all of its family members in front of it and it just cried out all of its goodness. It tastes like sad to me. THAT SAID, people who get preachy about food and your chosen variety of…
Horrible after taste.