
I don’t know. I did not experience half the hate in NY and DC that I have experienced in Texas. It's just my experience.

It’s not brought up here, but there are towns in Texas that the cops deliberately pull over PoC in cars with out of state plates, because they’re more likely to carry cash. Then the cops shake them down and don’t let them leave until they give up trying to get their money back. The cops will claim it’s obviously for

Racism in the Southwest is a hell of a drug. The truth about the race riots there are not as prevalent in taught history as they should be, and so the backlash is still affecting the current socio-landscape. They do not benefit from the microscope of the Yankee/Southern dichotomy, rather they have festered, unchecked.

And in case everyone wanted to know: I mostly fly Southwest. So I guess I’m asking for it.

My wife is nervous flyer. She hates turbulence and especially the type where the plane drops suddenly. One time we hit some rougher than normal turbulence and the plane is bouncing around. My wife has a death grip on the arm rests and not having a good time. Behind us was 3 or 4 year old who was having a blast. He is

The Trappists also make some mighty fine jams and jellies!


stop it.

If you want to get ahead that means being in control of what you say, when you say it., and how it will be perceived.

Oh, absolutely. I’m not telling anyone that they have to emulate men or act like cavemen. You can absolutely communicate in feminine ways and own your womanhood, all while not apologizing for having ideas and speaking like you know what you’re talking about and like your ideas are just as valid as anyone else’s. I

Reigonal? Since when? Do you mean domestic?

False. Southwest is the Greyhound Bus of the skies.

I will not say chin up, it’ll get better but I will say - break it down into pieces you can manage. As soul-crushing as this seems, get a plan down on paper (or Excel) about your finances and what you bar miniumum have to make each month in order to survive. Count everything, even that pastry you always get for lunch

I developed chronic daily migraines at the same time I acquired a nightmare boss. I’m not a nitwit who confuses correlation with causation, but I’d have to be brain dead not to realize that all the stress - the constantly furrowed brow, the hunched shoulders, the tensed spine, the literal flinching in fear, the lack

That....sounds amazing. Good luck!!

Honestly, I don’t know of any Chinese place outside of the various Chinatowns that don’t serve wings and fries.

Fried chicken in various configurations plus fries or fried rice is a pretty common staple at a lotta ‘Chinese restaurants’. Often the safest bet and pretty tasty with some packets of hot sauce, if you’re into that sort of thing. Usually just a cupla bux for a healthy portion of calories.

People on the UES can just be the fucking worst. I once saw a woman on the street shrieking at her maid or her nanny that she owned her. No, lady. You don’t.

Yes, I’ve driven NYC-DC many times (to have a car for practical reasons in long stays in DC, and to bring minivan loads of stuff back and forth) and the tolls are insane. I counted $26 each way. With EZ pass it's maybe 10-20% cheaper.