Yes but your chaos is generally so much less bloody than ours is. I really like Montreal and I wonder almost daily why I don’t live there.
Yes but your chaos is generally so much less bloody than ours is. I really like Montreal and I wonder almost daily why I don’t live there.
You can now eat pork medium-rare in the US. Barring Smithfield’s chinese occupation, trichinosis is not a thing in the US pork supply anymore.
This is a link supporting your statement:
Is this meat on a stick? Like just a huge piece of pork loin on a stick? I like pork chops, and I like kebabs and I even like those giant turkey drumsticks. But this seems weird.
Sure, lots of people are ok with slavery, with gender oppression, with human trafficking and a whole host of awful behaviors. Using “lots of other people did it” as justification is a shitty justification.
Hey I never said I liked it, just that it’s not a thing I do. It only really came up when apartment shopping anyway. Now if they won’t rent to me, or if they charge me more in rent, or won’t rent to me and my unmarried partner that’s where I go ragey. It’s misogynistic but it’s also about bodily autonomy. I get roped…
Yeah this wouldn’t work in the US. In my county alone over 160 different languages are spoken. And interracial marriage and intercultural marriage is a thing. We’d end up like Brazil with a zillion different ethnicities even within the same family that at the end of the day don’t actually mean much.
Here’s the piece that you’re missing.
If you mean by “rather narrow” you mean actually address the issues that I brought up instead of engaging in an encyclopedia’s worth of logical fallacies, sure. Red Herring, Raising the Goal Post, Unwarranted assumptions, I could go on...
I just think it’s selection bias. It’s like runners, etc: plenty of people do those sports and aren’t necessarily insanely vocal or insane about it, but you don’t know because they don’t talk about it.
Absent steroids, how much you bulk up is totally dependent on genetics. P!nk by her own estimation is pretty mesomorphic (she gets the V shaped abs thing that most women don’t) and when that happens she just tones it down a bit, but she’s also working out four hours a day to get that. But even at her fittest I’d be…
I was unaware that undamaged people walk into physical therapy. No, I don’t crossfit (tried it not for me), but the healthy crossfitters aren’t going to be showing up to your physical therapist.
My ancestors ate very little wheat. And while I love beer as an adult, it does occasionally cause me to break out in hives.
If by obsessed with you mean “would like you to get the science correct” than yes I am obsessed. And I’m well aware of the effects of chemical fertilizers (and organic fertilizers have their own problems), but that isn’t the point of this. You made a blanket statement and I pointed out that your blanket statement on…
FYI: Manure isn’t laced with heavy metals - plants uptake it from soils, it gets concentrated when we eat it and it gets shat out. Horse manure has lower levels but yeah...
I really like her cover of Jolene
I wouldn’t get a tattoo related to issues of commitment (I can’t commit to a piercing so a tatto is definitely not my thing), but the author actually says:
I read this as on the back of your neck and I was so, so, co confused as to how your neck could be next to what looked like your stomach/rib cage. I’m really glad your neck is not next to your stomach.
Yes, but you can’t “opt” out of the problems of industrial farming simply by eating organic veggies. Many shit based fertilizers are laced with heavy metals that *spoiler alert* get uptaken with food:
If you paused for two seconds and read the link you’ll find that the Inuit and the Masai both had diets as much as 80% meat. So you are wrong in your quarter estimation. If we’re going to have grown up conversations about our food systems than a huge part of that is recognizing that not everyone is going to function…