
t’s also for kids. You can’t use chemical sunscreen on kids less than six months because a decent number of them use oxybenzones which are absorbed through the skin and kids can’t properly break down. There’s some research to also suggest that they’re hormone disrupters but not enough to get them banned

When I use sunblock I use a zinc oxide based formulation because it’s a lot safer than chemical based formulations (badger balm all the way!), but I also wear make up. A lot of websites suggested using powder sunblock (which is zinc oxide based) as a touchup, but I did some digging and zinc oxide is fairly toxic (as

But what Cheriith wrote didn’t say any of that. S/he literally wrote that Tay’s dad must be the puppet master because he was in a “smart” profession.

I think that’s valid, but she’s responding to attacks that are basically like “why don’t you look like a woman” that is based on narrow definitions of what a woman should look like. And she’s basically saying, yeah I can look more like those women, but if I do I can’t do this.

Being proud of your choice makes people question their choices (many of which are done unconsciously) and that makes people feel uncomfortable.

All choices are not valid. This is the one and only time I’ll ever quote Bill Maher in a manner that isn’t actually reaming him, because 99% of the time he is The Worst, but that 1% man...

1. I’ve known a lot of pretty dumb bankers,

You’re going to get a lot of bullshit advice because it applies to white people.


This is false - rickets has reemerged because of the lack of sun exposure:

Most people, regardless of where they are from, stay pretty close. It’s increasingly less common for people to move across state lines. I’m from New York and I live in New York and people’s knee jerk reaction is that I’ve never been or lived anywhere else, when in fact I’ve lived in five other cities, three other

I’m a New Yorker. I got my first passport when I was two. Thirty-six percent of New Yorkers are foreign born and most try to go back to their home country at least once a decade if money allows it. They may not be well traveled within the US but their experience is not New York only.

Obesity isn’t from any one factor, right? Stress, apart from what I’m eating makes me heavier, so I almost always way more when I live in my way stressful home town. I only point this out because the literature increasingly suggests that it’s better to have a sugar coke once a month than like diet coke everyday. But

Lol, nope :)

This is false. the studies control or all sorts of things including putting skinny people who don’t normally consume diet beverages on diet beverages. And guess what? They develop the kind of gut bacteria that make you insulin resistant. But yeah lets just go with whatever crap you spewed from your brain and assume

Actually if you read the huffington post article the research controls for that. In studies of people who don’t normally consume diet sodas and then do their gut bacteria profile changes to be less tolerant of glucose (the less tolerant of glucose you are the more you store any carbs as fat, the more likely you are to

She sounds like the anti-christ.

I would like vintage seltzer as part of my bride gift or whatever it is that a husband gives to a wife. You are correct Vintage Seltzer is the best.

I love seltzer. Like LOVE seltzer to a degree that is shameful for someone who does not (yet) own a soda stream. I easily spend 10 bucks a week on fizzy water in 2 liter bottles. Yes, I drink 20 liters of seltzer water a day week. And I’m defensive about it too: New York Seltzer for example adds salts - that isn’t

I wasn’t allowed a lot of sugar as a kid, but culturally I drank coffee every weekend and I loved that shit. I think the caffeine is bad for you is overhyped, but with no restriction is insane. A seven year old with super milky cafe au lait is not the same as endless cups of coke all day long.