
Statistically, people who are overweight are far more likely to drink diet soda:

Or just drink it unsweetened...

Soda, with the exception of the occasional ginger beer (like legit ginger beer) is gross. As a kid I used to prefer soda “on tap” because it was watered down, and as an adult I realize I just prefer water. Or wine. Or beer. I don’t like sugary beverages at all anymore, except the aforementioned ginger beer or real

Those studies are helpful in detecting racial biases, but in the real world with the internet a lot of POC’s google an organization and look at the executive board. If they’re too white they don’t apply. I’m obviously talking super white collar, but self-selection is an important kind of invisible metric. In a lot of

You are wrong that the literature shows that sugar is worse than you than artificial sweeteners, not because of the direct impact of fake sugars (cancer or whatever) but the indirect impact: that it causes your brain to decouple calories from sugar intake and when you eat real sugar your body underestimates the number

Journalism pays terribly and unless you’re a Kristoff type many of the biggest papers pay the worst. I can’t speak as a staff journalist, but I am a freelancer and for a piece in a national publication (not the NY Times, but think LA Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe) I was made to do a ton of research, a buttload

Statistics are not actually all that helpful in this regard because black people won’t go to those places. You’re not going to find a disproportinate number of black people stopped and frisked in Howard Beach for example, because no black person is going to Howard Beach. Statistics are not going to capture when people

Marijuana addiction is real:


There were more black people stopped and frisked in NYC at the height of stop and frisk than live in the city. When you narrow it down for certain neighborhoods where stop and frisk is more likely (I’ve never lived in a part of the city where stop and frisk is common) you get lots of people who were stopped more than

You’re going to get a lot of like’s for this off the cuff comment and I can see stuff down thread that says things like “horrible people living in every state of this country” but as a black person who went to Uni next to a sundown town (yes they exist even now in the aughts) some places *are* more racist than others.

When they’re above a certain age (around 4 or 5 or so) I really like kids. One because of what you described (you can have fun conversations with them) but two because if you had gotten tired and were like I need a nap you could totally tell them, “Listen I’ve enjoyed talking to you, but I’m getting tired and I need a

Suze Ormond, and many, many, many financial experts recommend setting up yours, theirs, and ours bank accounts, not for shady reasons but because it helps prevent things like overdraft. Co-mingling bank accounts as the default extends to when one partner worked and one did not. This is no longer true.

This isn’t true. You are only liable for the assets your spouse accrues before you get married. If your spouse, for example, becomes incapable of working you then don’t have to pay back your spouses debts. Similarly, if you get divorced, your spouse keeps their debts.

I know you’re joking, but the men get stuck in the kitchen too:

Half truth. Some monks make beer and why, some make bread etc. Trappists etc are tasked with self-sufficiency so they make stuff that pays the bills

To Kill a Mockingbird, Catcher in the Rye and a myriad of other books are categorized as YA. To say that adults shouldn’t read YA is to also say that teens shouldn’t read adult books. We’re not talking babysitters club here.

My last response because you have your mind made up regardless of the data.

If by making stuff up you mean pointing to a bunch of peer reviewed literature, sure.

1. You’re quibbling over two percentage points? Even assuming it’s 5% we’re talking about 105 workers vs 147 (assuming 100% STEM hires only). That’s still statistically much lower than Twitter’s black employee pooll.