Because African Americans make up 7% of STEM bachelor’s degrees, which statistically in a company Twitters size means there should be roughly 200 black employees.
Because African Americans make up 7% of STEM bachelor’s degrees, which statistically in a company Twitters size means there should be roughly 200 black employees.
You know what? I’m done being charitable to people like this, because their charity hurts people. It reinforces awful notions about poor people, people of color etc, and we’re supposed to be ok with it because their heart is in the right place? Bullshit. Their heart is often not even in the right place. I work (well…
For a very long time the default with dealing with homeless people with substance abuse issues was to require that they get clean before they could qualify for housing. But what we’ve learned, is that if you house people with issues many of them get clean on their own. In the case of alcohol, some stop drinking…
Yes and no. I mean I’m not telling you to take chamomille tea when you’re in the midst of a panic attack, but at least one study has found that honey is better than silver sulfadiazene (an antibiotic)on first and second degree burns and boric acid is arguably better on yeast infections, especially reoccuring, than…
Before I get into an explanation, I want to make it clear that 1. I love Bree, 2. I’ve been on national television a few times and it’s really, really nerve wracking. I’m pointing out this footage because I think it’s really illustrative and authentic and not because I think Bree did anything wrong in this interview…
Ride the productivity waves. Do hard things when you’re motivation is high and when you’re low do things that are easy but necessary. If you’re “supposed” to be doing something and you’re not accept that you’re not doing it and fully embrace the lack of doing. He’s kind of obnoxious but his suggestions are on point:
Dandelion root is a good mild laxative, dandelion leaves are really good for your liver (they’re mildly diuretic), and the flower is a mild appetite stimulant (perhaps some dandelion tea for someone on chemo who doesn’t really want to eat).
So I posted this yesterday because I found it fascinating, it’s Bree Newsome and James Tyson on Democracy Now. If you watch the first few minutes of the interview where Bree and James are sitting around the table you can tell they’re both nervous. But Bree deals with her nervousness by speeding up and peppering her…
I don’t own a car, a house, or want power. What I want, is to work from my couch, travel, and spend a shit ton of time outside. I’d like to learn to surf. And in a few short months, I’m actually getting that. No bosses ever again.
because not everyone wants to be an executive, and in those situations, I think that to judge those’s wrong.
I think this is fair (about structuring training), this one in particular resonated with me because it was about speech and many people fail to realize how much speech impacts how we’re perceived, and how little of that is natural or automatic.
And, ultimately Tom Cruise fails because there’s no “there” to connect to. That’s why he’s so unlikeable these days. It’s a balance. On the other hand, he’s so far in his career that his authoritarian style isn’t a hindrance.
There are ways of “checking in” with your audience that don’t simultaneously intimate that any potential lack of clarity is to be blamed on the speaker. I wrote somewhere on the thread that “Does this make sense” is absolutist language. To understand what I mean use the sentence “Is this disgusting?” If your audience…
Except I didn’t say it always puts you at a disadvantage. I explicitly said
Yeah that works too. :)
You’re completely ignoring the fact that we’re talking about women speaking a specific way (hemming and hawing) because we’ve been socialized to speak in that fashion. Is it really feminist to say the world should bend to the misogynistic way that I’ve been taught to express myself? Or is the feminist thing to say…
I don’t say, “Does this make sense?” I say “Is this clear to you?” Making sense is absolutist talk (the difference between this is disgusting and I dislike this; if a thing is disgusting than nobody can like it, if you don’t like it you leave room for me to like it). I find that “clear to you” doesn’t intimate that…
Because you’re ignoring the reasons why those words exist: to allow us the ability to equivocate, hedge etc. If you ask the listener to simply disregard those words, than when a speaker uses them deliberately to express insecurity as opposed to socially conditioned “niceness” you run the risk of that being…