You need someone to hold the belay line. There’s a YouTube video that explains
You need someone to hold the belay line. There’s a YouTube video that explains
It could be your mom is just super sensitive to pain (is she a redhead?) or you could be less gentle with her than without knowing it. We do a lot of default behaviors with children (changing vocal pitch, etc) that we don’t do with other people.
I had an accident this spring where I hyperextended my knee in a physical class due to direct trauma. The trauma and the pain was so acute that I immediately fell to the ground and grabbed my knee out of something like ralph maccio from the karate kid. It is possibly the worse pain I have ever felt and I’ve had…
I can’t speak for all women everywhere but I have an incredibly high pain threshold. My pain threshold is so high in fact that I’ve started to lie about it when I see doctors for injuries because what I’ve discovered after sitting on an injury for three years that could have caused permanent, neurological damage…
Sorry there was a day long lag between when I wrote what I wrote and when I hit send. Didn’t see your post.
I want to point out that taking pictures of dark skinned people isn’t hard; it’s that cameras are calibrated to make white people look good. I used to have a point and shoot camera (TEN YEARS AGO) that had a dark skin setting. I always came out looking great, and my white friends weren’t too washed out (a bit but…
sorry about the motion sickness.
I get what you’re trying to say now, but regional isn’t the right term. Jetblue is primarily a domestic airline. Because we’re used to being in such a big country we forget that a flight from NYC to SF can be considered a long haul flight. For only 20 extra minutes I could be in london.
I’ve never flown a southwest flight that was on time. I do not want to fight for my window seat. I do not want to join your elusive cult in order to not have to fight for my window seat. When I travel I like points I can take with me to other airlines.
1. Boats are an option
I’ve flown cross country on Jetblue several times. They aren’t regional. What they don’t do is use the hub and spoke network model but rather a point to point one: which is why their routes don’t make sense because we’re used to hub and spoke. They fly to a lot of places.
Greyhound abandoned me in a snowstorm and amtrak kept trucking. To make up for this Greyhound tried to rebook me through a connection that would have had me waiting for three hours at like 2am outside of a station that closes down in a New England winter. Also when you cross the US canadian border greyhound makes you…
Because your focus is on black men killing black men.
The whole point in focusing on “black on black crime” is implying that blacks kills each other at too high a rate. If the issue in question was not blacks killing blacks would we not be focused on just crime? We wouldn’t be calling it “black on black crime” jackass.
Almost all violence is intra-racial not interracial. The rate of white-on-white crime is roughly the same as that of black-on-black crime:
This is coming form people who have never had the wonder of Chinese-Indian. chicken pops for everyone!
1. NYC is not Manhattan. Almost every single chain you listed does not exist outside of Manhattan.
I had a job where my boss told me daily that I was stupid because I was a woman. The crazy thing is his treatment was a step UP from previous jobs and by then I had ninja coping skills. In meetings I used to mentally practice martial arts moves on him while he talked. When I finally quit he asked if there was a number…
I love you because I said something similar.
You’re making the wrong cost calculus. Your job is literally killing you. I know you have bills to pay and stuff, but your goal is not a “better” job it’s one that will give you the space to find your better job, so I’m going to give you anti-intuitive advice.