
You’re relying far too much on anecdotal evidence to make your point. Didn’t they teach you not to do that and get “real data” in engineering school?

Some of the deal breakers women have are certainly because they have more vulnerabilities due to existing social structures. One can hardly blame them for attempts at self-preservation.

Doubt it. I have been having sex with a male feminist for half a decade now.

That’s how my spouse picked me up, by offering to introduce me to his cranky old rescue cat.

I’m okay with anyone using the term as long as they’re generally self-aware and open to occasional critique.

Best way to pick up quality women: be a real feminist. Is that so hard?

Recent pop-feminist and scholarly readings (see my post above on Badinter’s book) suggest this is a new phenomenon.

As someone who grew up outside of America, I find the expectations of American childrearing (4 bedroom house, minivan, million scheduled activities) extremely daunting. It’s making me even more reluctant to be a mother (other reasons include health).

If any of you would like to read more about this: I just finished reading French feminist Elisabeth Badinter’s book The Conflict. She argues that childrearing has become overwhelmingly based around the idea that “the infant is king” in the last 30 years. She says mothers in France today were raised by second wave

Yes! Things I have learnt while teaching The Great Gatsby to American undergrads:

I am a non-white immigrant who is now an English professor at a U.S. State University. I have been complimented many times on my English by students, administrators and staff at my university. Warms the cockles of my heart.

A big reason to avoid girl-on-girl competition/jealousy is so we can build the solidarity needed to stand up to patriarchy. Naomi Wolf said, “A quietly mad population is a tractable one”. Although she says this about dieting and body policing (which are also common concerns in girl-girl competitions), I think this is

No baby, though. She was like the Jennifer Aniston of the 1930s.

You’re not a very good reader of text if you answer rhetorical questions and don’t catch sarcasm. I bet you haven’t read Anne McClintock’s chapter on Lacan and Fetishes in Imperial Leather either?

I’m pretty sure I would have to give my PhD back if I was found arguing about Lacan on the internet. So good for you.

Renowned French psychoanalyst and bro Jacques Lacan thought lesbians always presumed a male witness during their sexual acts and could not achieve pleasure in the absence of a phallus.

Yes, it’s just an opportunity to police women and their bodies while pretending to have a greater, more altruistic aim.

“Unfortunately, the same people who advocate not policing this also oppose abortion, men raising children, most family leave...”

But why does one have to BUY something to discipline their child? Can’t it be done for free?

Or any person, for that matter.