
I still don’t think she, or any other woman, deserves to be beaten.

Noooo Madonnaaaa he is the worst. :( :( :(

Yup, yup.

“No curry”? Sure!

No, please. Just use the dislike button liberally.

Sounds like we are so used to the “assholes are people too” narrative (see: Amy Schumer’s Trainwreck) that perfectly reasonable responses to situations have to be celebrated as heroism.

I was lucky enough to move countries, twice. I was a relatively poor graduate each time, but so worth it for the ex-riddance.

Well, given that a lot of women were taught the ways of their heteronormative gender identities through (cabbage patch or other) dolls at a young age, this is hardly surprising. Just coming full circle.

Yes. You don’t need to be friends with an ex if you already have untainted friends you have not been exes with. If you don’t have any friends other than your ex, you should concentrate on making some friends!

Thanks. I’m not particularly opposed to having children but most other parents horrify me. Beginning with the constant demands to join their cult immediately for politically suspect reasons.

Holy native informant, Batman. What exactly is the point of this article? For one Indian woman to speak for a country of 1.2 billion people so that presumably non-Indian Jezebel readers can be amazed at the exoticism? There’s so much “but everyone” and “always” here that you should be wary.

“Yes, in the interest of diversity and broadmindedness, parents should try to make friends with as many types of people as possible.”

I’m sorry about your experience. Sadly this is very common among my friends. I hope you get some relief or support.

Carrying the white woman’s burden! Ah, Kipling would be so disappointed.

This is a very interesting intersection of Catholic views and Indian cultural views. I grew up in India and the pressure for parents to stay married for “the sake of the children” was tremendous. The result: Indians love to brag about how no one gets divorced in their country while everyone in America does.

True story: I was on a bus studying and a guy comes up to me. He begins to talk at me but I cannot hear him because I also have my headphones in (for a double “don’t interrupt me”). He then says “Are you not talking to me because I’m black?” At which point I was truly exasperated and told him I really need to

I was recently on a 14 hour flight where two children screamed, played and kicked the seats for several hours. A steward showed up and said, “if you don’t keep quiet I will call the captain”. I was filled with admiration for him and quite certain the parents would counter him obnoxiously. Luckily they didn’t. The rest