
What am I doing with the rest of my life? Well, my much-longed-and-planned-for child was born two weeks ago via surrogate. This has been a long and heartbreaking road, but it ended here...I am typing with a baby sleeping on my shoulder. I am a mom, the Mr is a dad, and we are a family with a person-baby in addition to

I got sober nine years ago and my present to myself was never, ever having to go to a New Year's Eve Party again. It's been so great!

You weren't, but you are now because I am trying to be a nicer person in 2015. ;)

I'll try to make this a short and sweet as possible. I stumbled upon Jezebel through I09 because I am a nerd and I do nerd shit. I'm an empathetic type of guy but I never really delved too deeply into the concept of feminism. Until I started reading articles on Jez. Of course I love the puns and snarky comments. But

I just left my New Years party and came home. My BIL was being an ass. I asked him 3 times to stop talking to me and he wouldn't so I just came home. Now I'm relaxing with a cat on my lap which is really what I wanted to do in the first place.

I wrote a super long thing yesterday, but it was a bit late, so I'm reposting today for some more advice/commiseration because it's been a rough week.

So my PTSD is getting bad again.

Thank you guys so much...

Oh boy! Do I have stories! However I doubt there is enough bandwidth to go through them all. There is one where the girl I was dating was a prostitute (I was young enough to think massage therapist actually meant massage therapist) and I ran for the hills when I had to sit with her pimp, drinking tea, whilst she

Sorry, this is long, there are two break ups and they're not really bonkers or funny, but I just wanted to write them down.

My last boyfriend and I dated unofficially for a year then officially for a year. He dumped me in a text while I was on the Megabus to NYC for a week of job interviews. I had just seen him two days before so this seemed a little fucked up/inappropriate. I cried in Pret A Manger for a couple hours then tried to pull it

I got this.

Things hadn't been going well with Mr. JackAss for a couple months, but I had decided to stick through it during the holidays. Then, one afternoon, he offered to let me drive his Jeep. I shifted over to the driver's seat as he walked around to the other side. I adjusted the seat, and checked the mirrors as

Well, I fear this might be a bit long winded but here goes nothing. In another lifetime (my early 20's) I had a "throw caution to the wind", overly dramatic, ultra bohemian relationship with a guy who actually left his fiance for me. He was a "playwright", which for the uninitiated ranks below musician, which he also

I like my muscled thighs and meaty calves. More cushion for the pushing. (Dressing room shot of me.)

Here's the thing: not everyone grows up in an environment where food knowledge is even a thing. Many people are just happy to get whatever their next meal is and to call them stupid when they don't know how to function as expected when exposed to your more privileged food culture is not cool.

Oh, man. WORD on the feeling filthy. :( I'm constantly spraying a protective barrier around my bed. And to make things worse, the girl cat is like, "hey, let's snuggle together!" and I'm torn between, "yay, kitty snuggles" and "omg get away from me!" Even when I've just put on fresh laundry I always feel things on me.

Going to put this out there (happened this afternoon), and this may be TMI, but is it normal to start laughing and giggling during sex? Because both me and this guy were doing the foreplay thing, when all of a sudden, he says, with a straight face:

As with any event where you carry a purse and you go with men, you end up carrying all their crap in your purse.

Ok, now this was around ten years ago or so. When I was a young Marine, my entire unit was invited to the wedding of one of our Sergeants. The wedding was fairly nice and had an open bars so everything was going great. The ceremony went off with no issues and we had over 200 marines in attendance, which is saying

Runaway Maid Of Honor

The worst wedding I've ever been to was bad mostly because it was poorly planned and executed. It was a hippie wedding in Kentucky in early August. It took place outside, on a farm at three in the afternoon. They did not provide shade for the guests and it was 97 degrees with 90% humidity and not a cloud in the sky.