
My cat has to go to the ophthalmologist tomorrow. She's 7, so she's not that old. We're concerned she has melanoma in her eye (meow-anoma? Sorry I deflect with humor). One of her eyes is turning brown and has a deeper red reflection. We've been going to our regular vet for check ups every 6 mo, but now I'm worried

Well I think am going to get that one altered but I found this one and decided to splurge on express shipping. I kinda love it and it looks like it'll be super fun to dance in! Now my next quest will be to find a badass strapless bra, haha. I'm not making it easy on myself but it is so pretty. Thanks for all the good

Thank you so much! When my deep breathing and meditation didn't work, I had a bagel and started watching Dr. Who. It seems to be doing the trick, although now I'm not the least bit sleepy.

Happy Sunday indeed! Mine involves a bottle of spumanti, binge-watching season 3 of new girl (and debating whether or not Deschanel-style bangs would work—-even drunkish me has reservations), snuggling with my rottenweiler and shepherd babies, along with a dash on alcohol-fueled online shopping. Hope everyone out

I have no reply to your actual question but when I read push-ups I thought you were talking about bras as I feel a general frustration towards them...

I went to urgent care today and it turns out I have strep throat and ear infections. So I called in to work for tomorrow, which I didn't want to have to do for a while since it's the beginning of a new school year at a new school for me, but fuck it, I need to take care of myself. My last job I only took an average of

Wow... I had never even heard of a molar pregnancy. I know what I'll bug Dr. Husband about the moment he wakes up. That sounds awful and incredibly fascinating at the same time.

Oh, for crissake. This has nothing to do with sophistication - and everything to do with the structural integrity of old, old bridges. The locks are damaging the structures, and have caused some railings to collapse.

It's vandalism.

Yeah, those are both great suggestions- a bright blazer might actually work great. The problem is that the neckline/shoulder/arm area is just too big and boxy on me. So if I got hot (like I tend to) and took it off, it looks like I'm wearing a giant t-shirt or hospital gown haha. Thanks for the thought though, I never

He married a woman *like* your mom and not your actual mom ... right?

The Final Confession of Mabel Stark, by Robert Hough. How bout you? Greys Only Book Club!

Oh god this old argument again. All of these things you are angry about? Feminism would love to fix them, no seriously. You know why more men die in industrial accidents? Women haven't been allowed to play. And please don't act like you are oppressed because the patriarchy pays more attention to breast cancer. That's

Oh my god, Kat. This is a great article, but my first wander over to Jalopnik. Is it always like this? Are they really this "what about the menz"y? I think I need to nopetopus away from this comment section, yikes!

I had a completely uneventful pregnancy. The only thing that was out of the ordinary was the fact that it took me three years to get pregnant. But other than that, it was normal. I went into labour on a Friday. Contractions sucked, but I managed them. Friday night I even drove to go get take out. Saturday was worse,

I signed up to comment to address the women who are terrified of every story and giving birth: I WAS YOU. I wanted a baby anyway, despite being really, really afraid of giving birth. When I was pregnant I cried to myself and my husband several times about how afraid I was. As I approached my due date, everyone kept

I used to draw all the time and was super creative. The creativity, however, was part of my depression. For a long time I resisted treating my depression because I knew it would have an adverse effect on my art.

It's actually really difficult to get the work visa. You can only be hired for a job if there is no qualified USC for it. We do it a lot for tech jobs. Depending on your experience, you might be qualified / approved to work at a Spanish-language radio or tv station.

Just a thought: can we please stop calling these women's health clinics "abortion clinics"? They provide many more health services than abortions and I believe we help fan the anti-choice, anti-access to healthcare for women flames by using the term that those in opposition have chosen to use as a way to incite the

Finally, the first legitimate chance that Pissing Contest could win Pissing Contest.

"I have to wonder if those parenting classes cover how to obtain childcare if you are living in poverty"