
Yes. Leave the hotel room and go home. Dont go sleeping with someone in exchange for a career then talk shit about it. That is not rape and I don’t like how this is being called harrassmentand they are being called victims. So make the decision is ur job worth ur dignity. If it is then do what u do then shut up about

Please don’t worry about it. Allow your kid to apply wherever he wants. No worries. I give u full permission on behalf of all blacks. Joking on that part but very serious on ur child being able to apply wherever they want. That is the goal of togetherness.

U can’t change the words in the Bible to spare feelings or to be politically correct. We call theives....theives. We call liars.....liars. We call homosexuality.......homosexuals. And they are ALL aerong in the eyes of the Lord and according to the Bible. And that is what I follow. I have not heard Kim Burrells speexh