at this point I want biden to getthe nom, and lose the general.
at this point I want biden to getthe nom, and lose the general.
300 hours!!!!?
seems pretty on point
Hey. vote who whoever the fuck you want in the primaries.
I mean, what is even the point if you are literally going to make shit up to support your argument?
disappointed by the boob plate.
hopefully one of the second amendment people will have something to say about this.
this is some sick shit right here.
you know... for the longest time there was this little piece of music I couldn’t get out of my head.
he was labeled a hero during an event that mattered. The U.S. was attacked by a foreign power without provocation and everyone knew the value of morale. You need to keep your military in good spirits if you want to win and a great way to keep the black soldiers/midshipman/cooks etc feeling like they weren’t just being…
if you don’t have a friend like dandelion. you need one.
wait. so they had rock, murphy and chapelle...and didn’t do a James Brown “Heaven” Hot tub sketch featuring James and Prince and Pryor hanging out in the “perfectly temperatured” heaven hot tub?
my first introduction to him.
yeah... expressing disappointment that the BABY YODA WASN’T KILLED.
yes but optional sidequest in witcher 3.
thats very racist. have a nice day, racist.
its a different thing. you have your commanders, and each commander can have up to 8 units with them. Soldier, archer, cav (some other types exist). solider beats archer, archer beats horse, horse beats soldier.
omfg. the first game came west as the title Warsong for sega genesis and was my first introduction to the strategy RPG. to this day, one of my favourites.
no worries, working on a new pilot.