
the problem is the internet.

bernard is arnold.

now that I really think about it. a womens reproductive system is in fact quite the marvelous feat of biological engineering.

Democrats have the minority.

Liberals weren’t the ones who voted for a megalomaniac, lying, cheating orange pussy grabbin fraud.

boy you people just don’t seem to get it.

Bullshit, I play torbjorn in comp every game.

so help me god, if Zarya is the gay one I’m gonna protest!

I give him 1 month before he grabs an interns pussy.

you lost because most of america shares the same racist, sexist values as herr Drumpf.

you know... since you’re all in on the second amendment... you could still have a say about it...

you do realize that even if we shot down a russian jet or bomber... a nuclear war wouldn’t happen.

when he says go home... does he mean in America.. or back to mexico/the middle east.

so GOP got prez, house and senate?

mussolini then?

sorry america.

not stupid. hateful racist, sexist monsters.

i hope none of you are muslim or have muslim friends.

to be fair, most of those johnson votes were republican vote sthat didn’t vote trump.