I don’t know what I love more about this opening. Marge’s twinmoonscomment or the use of Chopin.
I don’t know what I love more about this opening. Marge’s twinmoonscomment or the use of Chopin.
We gave you an eye-patch for some reason, D-Dog. I never thought about that until now. Do you even need an eye-patch? Is your right eye okay? If so why are we making you wear an eye-patch? If your right eye is damaged then what the hell happened? Were you always missing an eye? Did I just not notice…
global warming.
this movie was amaing, I was 8 of course when I watched it but wow.
At least he didn’t rape her....
and thats ok.
No they sell Tacos made with beef and the normal spices and sauces.
Rocky IV was best.
Foot fetishism is one of the most common fetishes.
wtf is with that small as field of view?
so what I gather from this is... If you suck at something, pretened to be a minority because being good at something doesn’t matter whne you have a racial quota to fill.
Landstalker is an absolute fucking gem of an action RPG on the genesis.
I watched because my birthday is in 10 months.
yes but this year we expect to be horrible.
Her attorney, Jonathan D Christman, wrote that forcing her to issue licenses is akin to forcing a person who objects to war into the battlefield, or forcing a person against capital punishment to carry out an execution.
the government in America doesn’t consider gang rape an appropriate sentence for a crime someone else committed.