
Kotaku, savin me monies.

Kotaku, savin me monies.

this, september = MGS V

I like all the flashy people.

I’ll kill you right away, unless I’m using spells or something for a quest reward.


Metal gear Balrog.

a week to go.


unless he holds the copyright... then yes. yes it is.

Those klingons are so racist.

Ground zeroes was a fantastic port.

wtf ever. don’t care.

Sadly Iwata has passed on, and with him... half of Mario.


Now playing

best game trailer ever. All in game engine, no “bullshots”. some cinematics mixed with actual scenes... like running from the jeep and climbing up in the hotal to see the city.

wait wait wait. the leader of a group that rapes women, sells them into slavery and murders children by crucifying them and burying them alive is a bad guy?

I prefer the old Justin Trudeau is a bad choice cause he likes winter jackets and has nice hair ad.

only if you tell your people to stop raping my people’s women and stealing or bikes.

Now playing

if there is one thing I got from this season of TD...its this.