
they also fuck their sisters.

better than Condom Cid

THUNDERGOD CID! I never used him cause of his OPness, but to be fair Ramza if built right is an absolute death machine.

his background story was the best, sacrificed is one chance at doing something no one else had ever done, of seeing the thing no one had ever seen, just to save one life.

if you knew the stats on rape and how likely convictions are, you'd believe it.

Bill Paxton has been in alot of REALLY good roles.

Today was a good day,

what they thought is all that matters, what they were actually doing is irrelevant.

I think the Issue that makes Harley so attractive as a character is that she's the closest thing you can find to a real person with a REAL mental disease.

^this so much this. I cam back to wow for draenor (in spetember) and by the time january hit I was in this funk where I would see all these games in my steam back log, and all these classics i wanted to replay but never played anything other than wow.

skip the story, make each episode its own "Twilight zone" style.

Persona Q is okay, but if your into rpg's the 3ds has a ton, it was totally worth the purchase.

mmm, can't wait for P5.

ugh Bayonetta I have to play that again.

if you don't take it seriously in anyway, its awesome on so many levels. Albeit short.

I'm going on a Final fantasy Marathon.

so am I the only one NOT looking forward to 12 monkeys?

I have no choice but to shave my legs

Deep Space Nine.

isn't this the first year in awhile that doesn't feature a movie about some black guy in history getting a nomination?