
They should do a crossover with WAP for his #MakeMyBirthdayNuts. It would be filthy. 

Ordinarily Great Job Internet articles come and go with either a chuckle or eyeroll. This one has inspired such a wave of apathy that, conversely, I have been drawn to comment on just how overwhelmingly bored I am, considering a house that initially appears skinny but is in fact not that skinny.

You must be new to the internet.

There is nothing to be gained from failing to call the ceremony rape. I think you misunderstood the book. Atwood was not writing about the lengths civilization will go to save itself from a fertility crisis. She was writing about the very real risks of overy patriarchy using any crisis to reassert itself. The

If Offred isn’t a willing participant to the sex, it’s rape.

Y i k e s

You’re worried about spoilers for an episode that aired over six years ago?