
This is the speech pattern that grandpa has right before you have the uncomfortable conversation where you tell him he can’t live by himself anymore.

How did this man not possess the forearm strength to lift himself out of this predictament.

Right? Now I’m actually kind of sad that they pulled this.

Nominally liberal comedian Bill Maher finally followed through on his irresistible urge to discuss the beauty of

I can not, for the life of me, figure out what point you’re trying to make besides sharing rape and abuse descriptions with us.

It seems to me that the notion that female-coded things are infantilizing and not to be taken seriously is itself steeped in patriarchal ideals.

Pretty defeatist attitude? Why should I give up because of this swine’s Presidency? Fuck him. I’m getting high every damn day and continuing on with my life.

In her position, would you want to?

And so it begins.

Haha His face. Every time I’ve seen it over the last couple days, he doesn’t look like he’s happy about winning at all.


i can’t build bridges bc power tools confuse me do you have other suggestions

Wait. Wait. Wait. Can you explain it again? Slower? With pictures? I am really glad you’re here.

why not

i wanna start a wine company called misandry

She’s courting the anti-vaxx vote, so I think your view of Stein is overly optimistic if you think her motives are purely medical and scientific. Carson and Oz are doctors, too, and it was a doctor that told that idiot politician that women don't get pregnant from rape because our bodies shut down. Doctors can be

What a terrible idea.

He is *not* an anti-abortion candidate. He may be personally pro-life but he stands for choice in office. 100% rating from Planned Parenthood, 100% from NARAL.

Please, let's not call this "rape." I'm sure that birth can sometimes be traumatic, but calling it "rape" does a real disservice to survivors.