
TL:DR: this was a great movie and I, like everyone else, loved it.

I thought there was a slight jingly/scraping sound when Stark and Thanos wrestled. I thought he had taken one stone, like Strange’s signal. But he had them all.

ahahaah, that’s a good point. Tony gets the emotional send-off, everyone standing respectfully nearby. Widow gets a ‘I’ll miss her’ from Hulk...

Hey, I wasn’t entirely clear on this - did Stark destroy the stones when he did his snap?

Huh. Joss Whedon casts a good looking white girl as his lead. Didn’t see that coming.

Captain Marvel’s gonna win ‘cos Skrulls can’t get down stairs.

Ragnarok and Black Panther are identical, plotwise.

‘if the software displays racial or other biases’

It’s not often that you root for someone’s project to fail. But...

Harness heat and fire, you say?

ahahahahahahah! They called someone ‘Peni’?

I know some artists can draw and paint like that. Anyone want to send me a commission? Also homemade lemonade for sale.

there’s this strange narrative that’s developing within certain corners of the Star Wars fandom that Solo’s underperformance is somehow directly related to dissatisfied fans who did not feel well-enough catered to by The Force Awakens, Rogue One, and The Last Jedi.

It’s my fault, everyone. I’m sorry. Bascially every show I like gets cancelled. AvED is just another in a long line.

I flippin’ loved Valance. And Jaxxon. I was in little school when these came out, couldn’t have been more than eight. I got top marks from my teacher for using ‘behemoth’ in a story I wrote for her. See kids? Comics ARE reading.

It’s not really ironic the guy was talking to Vulture magazine, assuming youre making reference to Spiderman having a villain that uses that name too. It’s more comically appropriate. Also, you provide no evidence for movie producers and executives ‘literally’ doing yoga stretches to pat their own backs. I doubt most,

It’s just that some people really do think the future of humanity - and space travel - will be only white men. It is literally inconceivable to these people that non-white, non-males also have a stake and will play a part in these things. I mean, it’s not just that - there is some willful racism and such involved. But

I’d be interested in a more thorough explanation of why this is not sexism than ‘stand and cry into a mirror’ or even ‘just shut up’.

How do we square droids being sentient characters with them being owned by other sentients?

Alright, we get it, io9 doesn’t like Iron Fist.