
No, you should not buy something you know is not good. You should collect things that are good, not bad things. Bad things are not what you work hard every day to collect. You work to earn money to buy good things. Buy good things, not bad things. Then the people who make things will make more good things and less bad

No, you should not buy something you know is not good. You should collect things that are good, not bad things. Bad

I can’t say I’m convinced by this explanation for why Empire doesn’t do well internationally. At least not when it comes to the UK. As has been pointed out, black-led casts have historically done well here. Fresh Prince, the Cosby Show, Different World were all a big part of my childhood. The Fresh Prince is still on

It’s not really ironic the guy was talking to Vulture magazine, assuming youre making reference to Spiderman having a villain that uses that name too. It’s more comically appropriate. Also, you provide no evidence for movie producers and executives ‘literally’ doing yoga stretches to pat their own backs. I doubt most,

Living outside the USA, I can only look on with a sense of helplessness and hopelessness as this fiasco gets more and more real. This guy actually got elected. He is going to have the power to screw the entire world. He already seems to be trying to do just that. Given that he was chosen by a minority of your nation,

Yeah, thanks for the reminder Prince died this year too.

Are the lyrics not ‘the land of the free and the home of the brave’? Are you not free to refuse to stand during its singing? Is it not brave to resist pressure to conform? Do you really want to live in a nation that forces you to salute the flag, regardless of how that nation is run?

Now that’s an Olympian athlete - determined to fight on and compete, no matter what. No shame, no fear, no quit. A role model for athletes the world over. If only he were doing a real sport.