
she is mentioning these specific actors because they have come forward in his defense. but i totally agree with you, these ppl had nothing to do with her abuse, so they should be left out of it. but THEY should also stay out of it because they were not there and they don't know what happened. it's all so ugly and

NO SHIT! i hate this little twat and i sure as hell don't want to see this shit! he's probably going to end up overdosing on cough syrup and xanax, since his fucking horrid parents seem to be more concerned with being the cool parents. i really don't even care. the planet would be a better place without any of them.

wow, you pretty much described my feelings on this whole matter! and i think datladyfortuna is on board too. i wonder how many women really don't like oral?

and thank you to you, also! i don't really get why someone is on this site anyway. probably trying to hit on women! lmao! your comments are ON THE MONEY!

thank you! he got so stupid so quickly i couldn't even be bothered with trying to really answer him. he made me LAUGH! lmao!


gawd! no shit! i hate when stuff like this happens because of all that revelations bullshit. they came sooo close to leaving the book of revelations out of the bible. just think of how different christianity would be if that book had been left out. besides, ppl have been thinking the end of the world was near, from

lol, sorry, i did not know that. i don't think great britain is one of the countries high up on the list of the ones that do hate us. i could be wrong. apparently i know nothing about foreign policy! i certainly did not mean to offend you. i meant to offend the other guy! LMFAO!!

what does this even mean??? british ppl? where did that come from? LMAO!

wow, you really ARE that guy, aren't you? you just made SO MANY assumptions about me, from one little comment. all of them wrong. lmao.

lol, that doesn't even make sense.

these guys were great! i would like to see other broadway tunes done by them. maybe they'll have a new career path when they get out of the military. lol

really? you have to be that guy! how about just enjoying this for what it is. and while i'm well aware that we've become the world's police(whether asked or not)most countries have their own military and we should show the the same respect we would expect them to show us. it's ppl like you that make a large part of

i'm so glad i'm not the only one with this weird little childhood wish! lol

you know, i just watched this episode, and it really didn't look like he was masturbating. there is an edit spot in the scene that you can see, but they also edit what she said when she first came in. i think he may just be so defensive with that thing he's dating, it made him sound guilty. i can't believe i'm giving

there was an early episode of popeye where he goes into a teepee and it's a department store inside! every since i was a kid, i wanted this to happen! lmao!

some men really like to date "bitchy" women, apparently jon is one of them. i'd say bossy and controlling, but to most ppl, that makes you a bitch! lol the thing is that jon HAS to know that there is a camera in almost EVERY room of the house. that's how reality television works and this isn't his first dance. why

that just shows you how incredibly stupid and pathetic he is. fucking moron.

what a stooopid bitch! you could tell that jennifer was genuinely distressed by the info. and it was cool and endearing to see a celebrity be in awe of another celebrity! lol i think he was a little in awe also.

why would anyone doubt this was real? everything you put out into the social media world can be found. that's why it's such a bad idea to do shit like this! and is anyone really shocked by his behavior? in past months, he has proven time and time again, what a mindless self absorbed little shit he truly is. and where