
who is that blonde white woman petting the president's dog?

not too many ppl could look THAT good in a plaid suit. marsden looks fucking AWESOME!!

i cannot believe that movie wasn't nominated! i can't quit thinking about it!

i used to wonder how in the hell hollywood could keep cranking out such utter CRAP. then i realized that there is a huge number of ppl who go and see all the crap and LIKE IT! they are the ppl who are responsible for tyler perry's horrid parade of SHIT. and if they keep paying to go, then hollywood doesn't feel the

THANK YOU badwolf!! kids do not have to go everywhere!! i think it's appalling that they took their kid to this kind of place. they were just being selfish. do they really think it was good for their kid to be screaming for an hour?? gawd ppl can be so self absorbed. good thing they didn't take it to one of those

what's the saying... a whore is a woman who screws everyone, a bitch is a woman who screws everyone but YOU. i've seriously known men who think like this! happily, these guys are pretty miserable! lmao!

whorish does not a feminist make. lmao. now there are 4 of us! woooooo hooooooo!!

i am so glad they didn't forget how scary and good michael douglas was as liberace! i do not like michael douglas but he was brilliant in" behind the candelabra."

the lizzy caplan dress would look good on someone that it fit! she's anorexic and that dress is too big for her. it doesn't fit. eat a hot dog. and lena dunham LOOKS LIKE SHIT!! as usual. i probably should not comment on her though because i cannot stand her. i still think she looks awful though. lmao!

i used to really like the movie awards shows but they're just drag on with no end in sight. so i usually watch AT them. i will switch over occasionally to see what's going on. thank you for not liking "girls"! i cannot stand that show or lea dunham. she's so OVERRATED as is the show. i've tried to watch it more than

they put the clearance in the plus size at the store here, also. it's so infuriating! and since their plus size dept. is so small anyway, there will be 3 or 4 plus size garments on clearance. and their plus size clothes have reverted back to the time when all the plus size clothes were HIDEOUS, i wouldn't want to buy

it's SOOO funny making fun of overweight ppl, isn't it? really???

you said it, sister! their plus size department is pathetic! it used to be good, they used to have cool plus size clothes and more of it. i think they've focused so much time and money on hiring expensive designers for their "standard" size clothing line, they really don't want to be bothered with plus size. and WHY

OMG that makes me so furious! they used to have a much larger plus size section too and at one time, actually had cool plus size clothes, but not anymore! it's back to the old lady plus size style. i think they've spent so much money on their designer lines that they just don't want to be bothered anymore with the fat

this seemed extremely sincere to me. i appreciate someone on air admitting they made a mistake and apologizing for it. well done.

you are heeeeelarious!

aren't you supposed to be having a GOOD TIME on new years eve? she does not look like she's having one. i have an idea. RELAX and maybe don't turn EVERY minute of your life like a photo op. SMILE DAMMIT! lol

omg! these animals ARE NOT BEING ABUSED! get over it! when ppl have pets there are going to be moments when the animal/human worlds collide and there will be moments like these. NONE of these animals were hurt by anything that happened. these ppl love their pets. LIGHTEN UP!!

she does look amazing! she's gorgeous. and i love they way she handled this. now i know why mohr always plays a dicky douchebag in movies-he doesn't have to ACT! i thought his 15 minutes were up anyway. i bet they are and no one told him.

LMAO rusty elbows!!