LMAO rusty elbows!!
LMAO rusty elbows!!
that is EXACTLY the first thing i thought! are they really that stupid that they don't know that? i don't like looking at a bunch of grandkid pics either, so i don't friend ppl who post that kind of shit. i've blocked close family members because i didn't want to look at a bunch of family pics AND because i knew i'd…
there are some very attractive older men out there, but the last thing i thought about was sex when i looked at the santa/patrick/ian pic! it just wasn't a good look for anyone. ewwww.
i obviously can't type correctly! lol i think they knew they would get their eyebrows scorched off for saying ignorant crap about "girl toys" to me, but they said it anyway! and when i told them i didn't care one little bit if he turned out to be gay they knew i meant it and were just appalled by that. keep fightin'…
LMAO!! thanks!
i've been in the same situation. one year i just her down and said we have totally different tastes in clothes-she couldn't deny that-and i appreciated that she really wanted to buy me clothes. but instead of her struggling and me feeling guilty, either buy me anything but clothes or buy a gift certificate. after…
i would be too! insult away grandma!!
you should have bought him a sense of humor.
good for you! did you have family memmbers with issues about your son having a barbie? when my son was 3 or 4 he wanted this fiher price washer and dryer set and i got it for him. well, wasn't it fun listening to certain family members telling me i was going to turn him gay! aren't families great? lmao!
i cannot believe how fucking entitled we've become. it wasn't that long ago that we had to go to a store and purchase a gift then take it to the post/ups office. now we can do it all from home and noe all we do is bitch and complain about that now. i don't have a lot of sympathy for ppl who wait until the last minute…
you deserve a trophy or a tiara or something! i'd go with a tiara. i had to cook a christmas dinner once for 14 drunk british footballers! they wanted turnips!! so i got DRUNK and managed it all. the fun part was watching them pretend to fuck the mutilated turkey carcass. good times good times.
when i was a kid, i wanted a doll house, with tons of furniture, very badly. i never got it, so i have one now. it's AWESOME! i know some of you probably think that's a little nutty or silly. i also love to color in coloring books. maybe if grown ups acted a little less like grown ups and just did the kid thing once…
i just get tired of going to site after site where there's always a christian bringing up their religion, when it really has nothing to do with the site or what's being discussed. why not just leave it at home once in awhile?
really? we all knew the point she was making, even you. we all know the exceptions to the rules. we aren't talking about that. it just isn't anyone's business what her kid's living arrangements are. period.
wow, really? it's just an escapist romantic comedy. guess what. you don't have to watch it if you don't like it. i really don't get exerting all that energy on hating a silly movie. there's way worse shit than this that you could be hatin' on.
then why don't you guys go to a religious based site. the beauty of this medium is that you don't have to be all inclusive. there's enough places to cater to everyone's cup 'o tea.
and you're still not getting it....i give up.
really? that's what you took away from all that? are you really not getting how ludicrous it is to do all that stupid shit to the photo?? my gawd!!
i too am infuriated by the recent trend of pink frilly very girly toys that are being shopped to little girls. the disturbing thing is that there's a new addition to all this-"slutty". i hate to use that word because of the judgement that word evokes, but there it is. but this isn't happening in a vacuum. look at the…
i've often thought that ppl who are this racist HAVE to have something wrong with them mentally. but at the same time, was all of nazi germany mentally ill? i think not. with her visions and such, she may very well be ill. or she could just be making that vision shit up. either way, she is one screwed up person and…